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has gloss(noun) a state of order in which events conform to the law
rule of law
has glosseng: The rule of law is a legal maxim encompassing legal principles that might be considered the "foundation of a civilised society" . While the rule of law has been described as "an exceedingly elusive notion" giving rise to a "rampant divergence of understandings" a dichotomy can be identifed between two principle conceptions of the rule of law; a formalist or "thin" and a substantive or "thick" definition of the rule of law. Formalist definitions of the rule of law do not make a judgement about the "justness" of law itself, but define specific procedural attributes that the law must have in order to be in compliance with the rule of law. Substantive conceptions of the rule of law go beyond this and include certain substantive rights that are said to be based on, or derived from, the rule of law. .
lexicalizationeng: rule of law
subclass of(noun) established customary state (especially of society); "order ruled in the streets"; "law and order"
Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: fǎ zhi
lexicalizationcmn: 法治
has glossdeu: Nomokratie (von griechisch nomos das Gesetz und kratos die Macht, Herrschaft) ist die Ausübung von Herrschaft nach einem Regelsystem, das dem Zugriff der Herrschenden weitgehend entzogen ist.
lexicalizationdeu: Nomokratie
lexicalizationdeu: Rechtsgesellschaft
lexicalizationdeu: Rechtsstaatlichkeit
lexicalizationdeu: Rechtsstaatsprinzip
lexicalizationhrv: vladavina prava
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lexicalizationisl: réttarríki
has glossjpn: 法の支配(ほうのしはい、英:Rule of Law)とは、専断的な国家権力の支配を排し、権力を法で拘束するという英米法系の基本的原理である。
lexicalizationjpn: 法の支配
has glosskor: 법의 지배(Rule of law)는 영미법상의 법치주의를 말한다. 영미법상의 법의 지배는 불문법의 지배를 말하나, 독일법상의 법치주의는 성문법의 지배를 말한다. 법의 지배가 법치주의보다 더 오래되었다.
lexicalizationkor: 법의 지배
has glossltz: Nomokratie (vu griichesch nomos dGesetz an kratía dMuecht, Herrschaft) ass d'Ausübung vun der Herrschaft no engem Regelsystem, dat dem Zougrëff vun den Herrschende zum groussen Deel entzunn ass.
lexicalizationltz: Nomokratie
has glossspa: A pesar que no hay una definición formal generalmente aceptada de Imperio de la Ley - concepto similar al de Rule of law, Estado de derecho etc - generalmente se entiende que el concepto significa que la ley esta sobre cualquier otro principio gubernativo, que en un Estado tanto el gobierno como sus funcionarios están sujetos a la ley.
lexicalizationspa: imperio de la ley
has glossswe: Lagstyre, styrs av lagar, är ett begrepp som används till exempel i uttrycket demokrati bygger på frihet och lagstyre.
lexicalizationswe: lagstyre
has glossvie: Nhà nước pháp quyền, với định nghĩa căn bản nhất là không có ai ở trên luật hay mọi người phải tuân theo pháp luật. Một nguyên tắc bắt nguồn một cách logic từ ý tưởng cho rằng sự thật, cũng như luật, đều dựa trên những nguyên tắc căn bản có thể được phát hiện ra nhưng không thể được tạo ra theo ước muốn.
lexicalizationvie: pháp quyền
has category(noun) the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
law, jurisprudence
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media:imgA mosaic LAW by Frederick Dielman, 1847-1935.JPG


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