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has gloss(noun) an enzyme that catalyzes the formation of new DNA and RNA from an existing strand of DNA or RNA
has glosseng: A polymerase (EC is an enzyme whose central function is associated with polymers of nucleic acids such as RNA and DNA. The primary function of a polymerase is the polymerization of new DNA or RNA against an existing DNA or RNA template in the processes of replication and transcription. In association with a cluster of other enzymes and proteins, they take nucleotides from solvent, and catalyse the synthesis of a polynucleotide sequence against a nucleotide template strand using base-pairing interactions.
lexicalizationeng: polymerase
subclass of(noun) any of several complex proteins that are produced by cells and act as catalysts in specific biochemical reactions
has subclass(noun) the enzyme responsible for DNA replication
DNA polymerase
has subclass(noun) the enzyme that copies DNA into RNA
RNA polymerase, transcriptase
has subclass(noun) a polymerase that catalyzes the formation of DNA using RNA as a template; found especially in retroviruses
reverse transcriptase
has glosscat: Una polimerasa és un tipus d'enzim proteic situat a les cèl·lules i que serveix pera transcriure i replicar els seus àcids nucleics a la divisió cel·lular i en altres casos en que calgui.
lexicalizationcat: polimerasa
lexicalizationces: polymeráza
Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: jù hé mei
lexicalizationcmn: 聚合酶
lexicalizationcmn: 聚合脢
has glossdan: En polymerase er et enzym (protein), der er i stand til at danne af en kæde (polymer) af molekyler, også kaldet monomerer. Polymeraser findes naturligt i alle levende celler, idet de er altafgørende for kopiering af cellens DNA under celledelingen. Denne type polymerase kaldes DNA polymeraser, men der findes også RNA polymeraser, der er i stand til at kopiere dobbeltstrenget DNA til enkeltstrenget RNA, der igen bruges ved produktion af proteiner.
lexicalizationdan: polymerase
has glossdeu: Polymerasen sind in allen Lebewesen vorkommende Enzyme, die die Polymerisation von Nukleotiden, die Grundbausteine der Nukleinsäure, katalysieren. Ihre Funktion ist notwendig für die Vermehrung der Erbinformation (DNA) im Prozess der Replikation, einer Voraussetzung für die Zellteilung. Des Weiteren sind sie notwendig für die ersten Schritte der Proteinbiosynthese, der Herstellung von Proteinen in der Zelle.
lexicalizationdeu: Polymerase
lexicalizationfin: polymeraasi
has glossfra: Les polymérases (nom tiré de polymère)(EC sont des enzymes qui ont pour rôle la copie dun élément, par exemple lors de mitoses (divisions cellulaires). * Les polymérases synthétisent le nouveau brin dans le sens 5’ vers 3’. * Cette synthèse s’effectue de manière complémentaire et antiparallèle. * Elle nécessite lincorporation de nucléosides triphosphates (NTPs) ou de désoxynucléosides triphosphates (dNTPs).
lexicalizationfra: Polymerase
lexicalizationfra: polymérase
has glossita: Una polimerasi (, ma anche , , e ) è un enzima il cui ruolo è associato alla polimerizzazione degli acidi nucleici, come DNA e RNA. Gli enzimi coinvolti nella polimerizzazione di altre biomolecole polimeriche non sono invece chiamati polimerasi.
lexicalizationita: polimerasi
lexicalizationkor: 폴리메라이제
lexicalizationnld: polymerase
has glosspol: Polimeraza (EC – enzymy mające zdolność syntezy nici komplementarnej na matrycy pojedynczej nici kwasu nukleinowego. Polimerazy występują u wszystkich organizmów żywych.
lexicalizationpol: Polimerazy
has glosspor: Polimerase é uma enzima que catalisa a reação de polimerização de ácidos nucleicos a partir dos seus monômeros. As polimerases mais comuns são a RNA polimerase e a DNA polimerase.
lexicalizationpor: polimerase
has glossspa: La polimerasa es una enzima capaz de transcribir o replicar ácidos nucleicos. Resultan cruciales en la división celular (ADN polimerasa) y en la transcripción del ADN (ARN polimerasa).
lexicalizationspa: polimerasa
lexicalizationswe: polymeras
has glosstur: Bir polimeraz (EC, merkezî işlevi RNA ve DNA gibi nükleik asit polimerleri ie ilgili olan bir enzimdir. Bir polimerazın esas fonksiyonu, mevcut bir DNA veya RNA kalıbı kullanarak , ikileşme veya transkripsiyon süreci içinde, yeni bir DNA veya RNA'nın polimerizasyonudur. Bu enzimler, bir grup başka enzim veya protein eşliğinde, çözeltide bulunan nükleotitleri alırlar ve baz eşleşme etkileşimlerinden yararlanarak, bir polinükleotit iplikçiğin karşısında yeni bir polinükleotit iplikçiğinin sentezini katalizler.
lexicalizationtur: polimeraz
has glossukr: Полімерази (/ / / / ) — ферменти, головною роллю яких є синтез нуклеїновиї кислот (РНК і ДНК), зазвичай на матриці іншої молекули нуклеїнової кислоти (зокрема в процесах реплікації і транскрипції. В комбінації з іншими факторами, вони отримують нуклеотиди з розчину і каталізують утворення фосфодіефірних зв'язків між ланцюжком нуклеїнової кислоти, що росте, і новими нуклеотидами, вибраними за принипом комплементарності з нуклеотидами матриці.
lexicalizationukr: полімерази
media:imgDNA polymerase.JPG
media:imgTaq polimerase.png


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