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has gloss(noun) a brown-to-yellow mineral that is a phosphate of yttrium in crystalline form
has glosseng: Xenotime is a rare earth phosphate mineral, whose major component is yttrium orthophosphate (YPO4). It forms a solid solution series with chernovite-(Y) (YAsO4) and therefore may contain trace impurities of arsenic, as well as silicon dioxide and calcium. The Rare Earths dysprosium, erbium, terbium, and ytterbium, and metal elements like thorium and uranium (all replacing yttrium) are the expressive secondary components of xenotime. Due to uranium and thorium impurities, some xenotime specimens may be weakly to strongly radioactive. Lithiophyllite, monazite, and purpurite are sometimes grouped with xenotime in the informal "anhydrous phosphates" group. Xenotime is used chiefly as a source of yttrium and heavy lanthanide metals (dysprosium, ytterbium, erbium, and gadolinium). Occasionally, gemstones are also cut from the finer xenotime crystals.
lexicalizationeng: Xenotime-(Yb)
lexicalizationeng: xenotime
subclass of(noun) solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition
has glosscat: La xenotima és un mineral de la classe dels fosfats que rep el seu nom del grec xenos (estranger) i time (veneració).
lexicalizationcat: Xenotima
has glossdeu: Xenotim, veraltet auch Ytterspat(h) genannt, ist die allgemeine Bezeichnung für eine eher selten vorkommende Mischreihe aus den Mineralen Xenotim-(Y) und Xenotim-(Yb). In der Strunzschen Systematik werden die Xenotime den wasserfreien Phosphaten ohne fremde Anionen zugeordnet. Beide kristallisieren im tetragonalen Kristallsystem mit der allgemeinen Summenformel (Y,Yb)[PO4] und bilden prismatische oder tafelige Kristalle, aber auch körnige Aggregate in den Farben grau, braun, gelb oder grün.
lexicalizationdeu: Xenotim-(Y)
lexicalizationdeu: Xenotim-(Yb)
lexicalizationdeu: Xenotim
Modern Greek (1453-)
has glossell: Το ξενότιμο (αγγλ. xenotime) είναι φωσφορικό ορυκτό του υττρίου. Σχετικά με το όνομά του, η αγγλοσαξονική βιβλιογραφία το αποδίδει ως προερχόμενο από τις ελληνικές λέξεις κενός (μάταιος, vain) και τιμή (honour), καθώς το περιεχόμενο ύττριο είχε, αρχικά, νομισθεί ως νέο στοιχείο. Ωστόσο, η αρχαία ελληνική λέξη ξενότιμος αποδίδεται ως «ο τιμών τους ξένους».
lexicalizationell: ξενότιμο
lexicalizationfra: Xenotime
lexicalizationfra: xénotime
has glosshun: A xenotim (ittrium-foszfát)(ritkább elnevezés: itterpát) a tetragonális kristályrendszerbem, benn-nőtt, ritkábban fenn-nőtt oszlopos kristályokban alakul ki. Prizmás és piramisos kristályok ritkán ikresedve is megjelennek. Durva kristályos halmazokban, kristálycsoportokban fordul elő. A vízmentes foszfátok ásványegyüttesének tagja. Gyakran tartalmaz itterbiumot is. Fontos ritkaföldfém forrás, rendszerint más lantanoidákkal (ritkaföldfémek) együtt jelenik meg. Az ittrium földkéregben való átlagos gyakorisága 29 gramm/tonna.
lexicalizationhun: xenotim
has glossita: Lo xenotime-(Y) è un minerale.
lexicalizationita: Xenotime-(Y)
lexicalizationita: xenotima
has glossnld: Het mineraal xenotiem is een yttrium-fosfaat met de chemische formule YPO4. __NOTOC__ Eigenschappen Het grijze, geelbruine, groenbruine, roodbruine of bruine xenotiem heeft een vettige tot glasglans, een witte streepkleur en een perfecte splijting volgens kristalvlak [100]. De gemiddelde dichtheid is 4,75 en de hardheid is 4 tot 5. Het kristalstelsel is tetragonaal en het mineraal is niet radioactief.
lexicalizationnld: Xenotiem
has glosspol: Ksenotym – minerał, z gromady fosforanów. Należy do grupy minerałów rzadkich.
lexicalizationpol: Ksenotym
has glosspor: Xenótimo, xenotímio ou xenotímia (do grego xenos, "estranho", e time, "honra") é um mineral raro composto de fosfato de ítrio, com fórmula química YPO4. Forma uma solução sólida com a chernovite-(Y) (YAsO4) e portanto pode conter impurezas vestigiais em que se incluem arsénio, dióxido de sílica e cálcio; as terras raras disprósio, érbio, térbio, tório, urânio, itérbio e zircónio, todos substituindo o ítrio.
lexicalizationpor: Xenótimo
has glossslk: Xenotím je minerálna skupina fosforečnanov prvkov vzácnych zemín so všeobecným vzorcom XPO4. Patria sem minerály: * Xenotím-(Y) * Xenotím-(Yb)
lexicalizationslk: Xenotím
has glossukr: Ксенотим (рос. ксенотим, англ. xenotime, нім. Xenotim m) – мінерал класу фосфатів
lexicalizationukr: Ксенотим
has part:substance(noun) a soft silvery metallic element of the rare earth group; isotope 170 emits X-rays and is used in small portable X-ray machines; it occurs in monazite and apatite and xenotime
thulium, Tm, atomic number 69
has part:substance(noun) a soft silvery metallic element; a rare earth of the lanthanide series; it occurs in gadolinite and monazite and xenotime
ytterbium, Yb, atomic number 70
has part:substance(noun) a silvery metallic element that is common in rare-earth minerals; used in magnesium and aluminum alloys
Y, yttrium, atomic number 39
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media:imgXenotim mineralogisches museum bonn.jpg


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