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has gloss(noun) tropical click beetles
Pyrophorus, genus Pyrophorus
has glosseng: Pyrophorus is a genus of click beetle (family Elateridae). They are one of several genera in the tribe Pyrophorini, all of which are bioluminescent. Their bioluminescence is similar to that of another group of beetles, the fireflies, although click beetles do not flash, but remain constantly glowing (though they can control the intensity; for example, they become brighter when touched by a potential predator). They have two luminescent spots at the posterior corners of the pronotum, and another ventral spot. Bioluminescent click beetles are not only found in tropical and subtropical America, but also the Southern U.S.A, namely, Texas.
lexicalizationeng: ''Pyrophorus'' (beetle)
lexicalizationeng: genus Pyrophorus
lexicalizationeng: Pyrophorus
subclass of(noun) a genus of arthropods
arthropod genus
has glossfin: Pyrophorus on eräs seppäkuoriaisiin (Elateridae) kuuluva suku. Pyrophorus-suvun kuoriaiset loistavat pimeässä elimistössään kemiallisessa reaktiossa valmistuvan valon avulla (bioluminesenssi), kuten eräs tutumpi kovakuoriainen eli kiiltomato, tosin ne eivät hehku niiden tapaan vaan loistavat taukoamatta. Suvun edustajilla on kaksi loistavaa pistettä. Lajit pystyvät muuttamaan loistonsa voimakkuutta, ne loistavat kirkkaammin vaaran uhatessa. Suvun edustajia voi tavata ainoastaan trooppisilta ja subtrooppisilta alueilta Amerikasta. Sukuun kuuluu monia lajeja.
lexicalizationfin: Pyrophorus
has glossspa: Pyrophorus es un género de coleópteros polífagos de la familia Elateridae conocidos vulgarmente como tucu-tucus, cocuyos, cocuys, cucubanos, saltapericos o tagüinches. Son bioluminiscentes (producen luz), aunque no están emparentados con las luciérnagas.
lexicalizationspa: Pyrophorus
has glossswe: Eldflugor är en gemensam beteckning på de skalbaggar som dels kan flyga och dels kan skapa bioluminiscens, det vill säga lysa, oavsett dessa skalbaggars taxonomiska indelning. Det finns två grupper inom eldflugorna, dels ett antal arter inom familjen lysmaskar, dels underfamiljen Pyrophorinae i familjen knäppare.
lexicalizationswe: Eldfluga
has member(noun) tropical American click beetle having bright luminous spots
firefly, Pyrophorus noctiluca, fire beetle
member of(noun) click beetles and certain fireflies
Elateridae, family Elateridae
similare/Pyrophorus (beetle)


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