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has gloss(noun) university founded in 1859 by Peter Cooper to offer free courses in the arts and sciences
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, Cooper Union
has glosseng: The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (commonly referred to simply as The Cooper Union or Cooper Union) is a privately-funded college in Downtown Manhattan, New York City. Cooper Union, founded in 1859, established a radical new model of American higher education. Its mission reflects Peter Cooper's fundamental belief that education of the highest quality should be as "free as air and water" and should be available to all who qualify, independent of race, religion, sex or social status. For 150 years, the College has admitted students based on merit alone and provided each with a full-tuition scholarship.
lexicalizationeng: Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
lexicalizationeng: Cooper Union
instance of(noun) establishment where a seat of higher learning is housed, including administrative and living quarters as well as facilities for research and teaching
has glosscat: La Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (Cooper Union per al desenvolupament de la ciència i de lart) o més correntment Cooper Union és un centre densenyament superior situat al Lower Manhattan, a New York. Les infraestructures de la Cooper Union estan situades a lEast Village, a les rodalies del Cooper Square i de lAstor Place, en un espai delimitat per la Tercera Avinguda i els carrers 6 i 9. El centre concedeix diplomes darquitectura, denginyeria, i és clar dart, i forma part de lAssociation of Independent Colleges of Art and Design que reuneix trenta-sis escoles d'art repartides pel territori americà.
lexicalizationcat: Cooper Union
has glossdeu: The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art auch The Cooper Union ist ein privat betriebenes College in Lower Manhattan, New York City. Die Cooper Union befindet sich im East Village, zwischen Cooper Square und Astor Place (Ecke 3rd Avenue und 6th Street/9th Street). Sie ist eine der wenigen höheren Bildungsanstalten in den USA, die allen Studenten ein volles Stipendium gewährt. Die Cooper Union bietet Ausbildungsgänge in Architektur, Kunst und Ingenieurswissenschaft an.
lexicalizationdeu: Cooper Union
has glossfra: La Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (Union Cooper pour le développement de la science et de lart) ou plus couramment Cooper Union est un établissement denseignement supérieur situé dans le quartier de Lower Manhattan, à New York. Il sagit de lun des seuls établissements des États-Unis à proposer des cours particuliers à lensemble des étudiants admis. Les infrastructures de la Cooper Union sont situées dans lEast Village, aux alentours du Cooper Square et de lAstor Place, dans un espace délimité par la Troisième Avenue, la 6rue, et le 9rue. Létablissement délivre des diplômes darchitecture, dingénierie, et bien entendu dart, et fait partie de lAssociation of Independent Colleges of Art and Design qui rassemble trente-six écoles d'art réparties sur le territoire américain.
lexicalizationfra: Cooper Union
has glossita: La Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (più comunemente chamata Cooper Union) è ununiversità privata a Manhattan, New York City. La Cooper Union, fondata nel 1859, creò un modello nuovo e radicale per leducazione universitaria in America. La sua missione riflette la convinzione fondamentale che leducazione della massima qualità debba essere "libera e gratuita come laria e lacqua" e debba essere disponibile a tutti indipendentemente della propria razza, religione, sesso o classe sociale. Per centocinquantanni luniversità ha ammesso studenti in base esclusivamente al merito e garantito una borsa di studio comprendente lintero costo della scuola.
lexicalizationita: The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
has glosskat: კუპერის კავშირი მეცნიერებისა და ხელოვნების განვითარებისთვის (The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art) — კერძო დაფინანსების კოლეჯი ქვემო მანჯეტენზე, ნიუ-იორკი. მდებარეობს ისტ-ვილიჯში, კუპერის მეოდანსა და ასტორ პლეისის კუთხეში (მესამე ავენიუ და მე-6-9 ქუჩები). ეს ერთ-ერთი იმ მცირეთაგანია ამერიკულ უმაღლეს სასწავლებელთა შორის რომელიც ყველა მიღებულ სტუდენტს სრული სტიპენდიით აფინანსებს. კუპერის კავშირი ხელვოვნებისა და დიზაინის დამოუკიდებელ კოლეჯთა ასოციაციის წევრია, კონსორციუმის, რომელშიც ერთიანდება აშშ-ის წამყვანი 36 ხელოვნების სკოლა. სასწავლებლის მთავარი აკადემიური მიმართულებაა არქიტექტურა, სახვითი ხელოვნება და ინჟინერინგი.
lexicalizationkat: კუპერ იუნიონი
has glosskor: 쿠퍼 유니온 대학교(The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, 줄여서 Cooper Union)는 미국 뉴욕시 맨하탄 다운타운인 이스트빌리지(East Village)에 위치한 사립대학이다.
lexicalizationkor: 쿠퍼 유니온 대학교
has glosszho: 柯柏聯盟學院(Cooper Union,實際全名為The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art,「柯柏高等科學藝術聯盟學院」)是一所位於美國紐約州紐約市曼哈頓地區的著名私立大學,亦為美國境內少數能提供全部學生全額獎學金的院校。校舍位於曼哈頓東第三大道(Third Avenue)及第六、第九街(6th-9th Streets)之間的雅士達廣場(Astor Square)及庫柏廣場(Cooper Square)旁,是36所院校所組成的獨立藝術與設計學院聯盟(Association of Independent Colleges of Art and Design)的成員之一。學院下設工程學院(Albert Nerken School of Engineering),建築學院(IrwinS. Chanin School of Architecture)和藝術學院(School of Art)。學校的大部分資金來源于校友的捐贈。這些校友中有很多都是在公共或個人事業上的成功者,其中不乏在各自領域的領軍人物,企業的領導者和政府要員。
lexicalizationzho: 柯柏聯盟學院
part of(noun) the largest city in New York State and in the United States; located in southeastern New York at the mouth of the Hudson river; a major financial and cultural center
Greater New York, New York City, New York
similare/Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
similare/Cooper Union
geo locgeographic location 40.72927 -73.99058
media:img41 Cooper Gallery.jpg
media:imgAbraham Lincoln 1860.jpg
media:imgAtrium and Staircase Interior.jpg
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media:imgCooper Union by David Shankbone.jpg
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media:imgNAB 9th floor studio.jpg
media:imgNew Academic Building Exterior.jpg
media:imgNew Academic Building Studio.jpg
media:imgNew Great Hall Entrance.jpg


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