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has gloss(noun) a restraining hold; someone loops the arm around the neck of another person in a tight grip, usually from behind; "he grabbed the woman in a chokehold, demanded her cash and jewelry, and then fled"
chokehold, choke hold
has glosseng: A Chokehold (Stranglehold or in Judo referred to as shime-waza, 絞技, "constriction technique" ) is a grappling hold that strangles the opponent, and may lead to unconsciousness or even death. Chokeholds are used in martial arts, combat sports, self-defense, law enforcement and in military hand to hand combat applications. They are considered superior to brute-force manual strangling, which generally requires a large disparity in physical strength to be effective. Rather than using the fingers or arms to attempt to crush the neck, chokeholds effectively use leverage such as figure-four holds or collar holds that use the clothes to assist in the strangle. Depending on the reaction of the victim, it may compress the airway, interfere with the flow of blood in the neck, or work as a combination of the two (see General).
lexicalizationeng: choke hold
lexicalizationeng: Chokeholds
lexicalizationeng: chokehold
subclass of(noun) the act of grasping; "he released his clasp on my arm"; "he has a strong grip for an old man"; "she kept a firm hold on the railing"
clench, clasp, grip, clutches, hold, grasp, clutch
has instancee/Gogoplata
has instancee/Rear naked choke#Judo
has instancee/ja/コブラクラッチ
has instancee/ja/スピニングチョーク
has glossces: Při zardoušení je krk oběti stištěn rukou nebo méně často i nohou (šlápnutím na krk). Smrt při rdoušení nastává v důsledku uzavření hrtanu, a tím omezení přístupu vzduchu do plic. Zejména u mladých lidí postačuje k uzavření dýchacích cest i poměrně malá síla. Podráždění bloudivého nervu může vyvolat reflexivní zástavu srdce a tím okamžitou smrt.
lexicalizationces: zardoušení
has glossdeu: Erwürgen ist neben Erhängen und Erdrosseln eine der drei Formen der Strangulation. Anders als beim Erhängen oder Erdrosseln erfolgt diese Strangulation ohne Strang- oder Drosselwerkzeug, sondern durch Zusammendrücken des Halses durch die Hand oder die Hände.
lexicalizationdeu: Erwürgen
has glossfra: Les étranglements (en anglais : chokehold ou stranglehold, dans le budo japonais : shime-waza, 絞技) sont des techniques redoutables. Il y a deux types d'étranglement:
lexicalizationfra: Etranglement
lexicalizationfra: étranglement
has glossjpn: 絞め技(しめわざ)とは、格闘技で前腕、手首、相手の襟、裾等を用いて人間の首を絞めて相手を屈伏、失神させる技である。古流柔術などで、相手を殺傷するための技。なお、「締め技」と表記した場合、首以外の体を固定し締め上げる別の技分類となる。
lexicalizationjpn: 絞め技
has glosspol: Duszenie – technika obezwładnienia przeciwnika w walce wręcz, polegająca na zatamowaniu dopływu powietrza lub krwi do mózgu wskutek ucisku na narządy oddechowe lub krwionośne (tętnice szyjne).
lexicalizationpol: duszenie
has glosspor: Uma chave-de-braço (no budô referida como shime-waza, 絞技, "técnica de constrição" ) é uma Ne-Waza que estrangula o oponente, e o leva à inconsciência ou até a morte. Chaves-de-braço são praticadas e usadas em artes marciais, desportos de combate, autodefesa, polícia e na aplicação de combate militar corpo-a-corpo. Elas são geralmente consideradas superiores comparadas ao estrangulamento manual de força bruta, o qual usualmente requerer uma grande disparidade em força física para ter efeito. Ao invés de simplesmente usar os dedos ou braços para tentar quebrar o pescoço, chaves-de-braço efetivamente usam uma alavanca como imobilização figure-four ou imobilização de colarinho, que utiliza roupas para auxiliar no estrangulamento. Dependendo da reação da vítima, pode comprimir a passagem de ar, interferir com o fluxo de sangue no pescoço, ou servir como uma combinação dos dois.
lexicalizationpor: chave-de-braço
has glossswe: ::För strypning av en vätska inom hydraultekniken, se Densitär strypning. Strypning är en form av strangulation som ofta leder till offrets död. Exempelvis tillsnörs halsen med hjälp av ett strängformigt föremål, såsom vid hängning, men med den skillnaden att en annan kraft än kroppens egen tyngd medför snarans åtdragande. Strypningen kan också verkställas genom att luftvägarna blockeras genom att halsen sammantrycks med händerna. I de flesta fall av strypning med snara är det mord, även om självmord genom dylik strypning förekommit. Vid strypning med handen är det nästan uteslutande mord eller dråp. Vid strypning inträffar döden genom kvävning på liknande sätt som vid hängning.
lexicalizationswe: strypning
Yue Chinese
has glossyue: 迷魂鎖,武道術語叫「絞技」,英文叫 chokehold 或者 stranglehold,係一種喺好多唔同嘅武術入面都有嘅招式,例如柔道、巴西柔術、自衛術都有,喺混合格鬥比賽入面更加常見。
lexicalizationyue: 迷魂鎖
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