Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color; "they buried him in his best suit" suit, suit of clothes |
has gloss | eng: :For other garments (protective, etc) sometimes called suits, see suit (disambiguation). A suit as described here is a set of garments made from the same cloth, consisting of at least a jacket and trousers. Lounge suits are the most common style of Western suit, originating in England as country wear. Other types of suit still worn today are firstly the dinner suit, part of black tie, which arose as a lounging alternative to dress coats in much the same way as the day lounge suit came to replace frock coats and morning coats; and secondly, rarely worn today, the morning suit. This article discusses the lounge suit (including business suits), which is part of the informal dress code. |
has gloss | eng: A suit is an ensemble (an outfit made from more than one piece) of clothing which includes a dress shirt, dress pants, a suit jacket, dress socks, leather dress shoes, very often a tie and sometimes a vest. This outfit is worn in many countries by men in professional jobs such as business, law, and politics. It is also sometimes worn by women and in such cases a dress skirt is sometimes worn. |
lexicalization | eng: suit of clothes |
lexicalization | eng: Suit |
subclass of | (noun) an article of clothing; "garments of the finest silk" garment |
has subclass | (noun) a suit of clothes traditionally worn by businessmen business suit |
has subclass | (noun) a suit with a double-breasted jacket double-breasted suit |
has subclass | (noun) a suit made from a fabric with very thin stripes pinstripe |
has subclass | (noun) a suit having a single-breasted jacket single-breasted suit |
has subclass | (noun) casual dress consisting of slacks and matching jacket slack suit |
has subclass | (noun) a flashy suit of extreme cut zoot suit |
has subclass | c/Environmental suits |
has subclass | c/One-piece suits |
has subclass | c/Suits (clothing) |
Meaning | |
Arabic | |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | ara: بذلة |
lexicalization | ara: بَذْلة |
Standard Arabic | |
lexicalization | arb: ثوب |
lexicalization | arb: لباس |
Asturian | |
lexicalization | ast: vistíu |
Breton | |
lexicalization | bre: sae |
Bulgarian | |
has gloss | bul: Костюмът е вид горно облекло, състоящ се от сако и панталон (или пола). |
lexicalization | bul: рокля |
lexicalization | bul: костюм |
Catalan | |
lexicalization | cat: vestit |
Czech | |
has gloss | ces: Pánský oblek se skládá ze saka a kalhot ze stejného materiálu. Třídílný oblek navíc z vesty. Společenský oblek bývá většinou z jemné česané vlny; také se používá hedvábí, mohér či kašmír, obvykle jako příměs vlněné látky. Kvalitní vlněný materiál bývá označen slovem Super a číslem (např. Super 120'S). Čím vyšší je toto číslo, tím jemnější a kvalitnější látka. Levné obleky se vyrábějí z umělých vláken nebo směsi vlny a umělého vlákna, nejčastěji polyesteru. Vycházkové obleky bývají obvykle v chladných měsících z hrubší vlny (např. flanel nebo tvíd) nebo z bavlněného manšestru, v teplých měsících pak z lehčí bavlny nebo lnu. |
lexicalization | ces: šaty |
lexicalization | ces: oblek |
lexicalization | ces: oděv |
Mandarin Chinese | |
lexicalization | cmn: 衣服 |
lexicalization | cmn: 连衣裙 |
lexicalization | cmn: 连身裙 |
lexicalization | cmn: 連衣裙 |
lexicalization | cmn: 連身裙 |
Danish | |
has gloss | dan: Et jakkesæt, også kaldet en habit, er en jakke og et par benklæder, der er syet af samme stof. Dertil bærer man undertiden en vest, som også er syet af samme stof som jakke og benklæder. Et jakkesæt består altså i praksis af to eller tre dele: |
lexicalization | dan: jakkesæt |
lexicalization | dan: beklædning |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Der Begriff Anzug hat verschiedene Bedeutungsvarianten. In seiner allgemeinsten, heute eher unüblichen Bedeutung (beispielsweise beim Militär) ist Anzug „alles was man gleichzeitig anzieht/an hat“. (Die einfache Umgangssprache, noch eher die Kindersprache verwendet „Anziehsachen“ ähnlich.) |
lexicalization | deu: anzug |
lexicalization | deu: Kleid |
lexicalization | deu: Kleidung |
lexicalization | deu: Anzug |
Modern Greek (1453-) | |
lexicalization | ell: φουστάνι |
Esperanto | |
lexicalization | epo: robo |
lexicalization | epo: vesto |
Finnish | |
has gloss | fin: Puku on länsimaissa yleinen kaksi- tai kolmiosainen asu. Yleisiä pukutyyppejä ovat juhlapuku, arkipuku ja työpuku sekä naisella jakkupuku. |
lexicalization | fin: puku |
lexicalization | fin: leninki |
lexicalization | fin: mekko |
French | |
has gloss | fra: Un complet (appelé aussi complet-veston, costume, veston-cravate ou familièrement costard) est un vêtement masculin composé dune veste souvent appelée veston, dun pantalon et parfois dun gilet dhomme. Il se porte avec une chemise, une cravate, une pochette et souvent un chapeau. C'est un vêtement considéré comme classique et dont la gamme de couleur reste relativement limitée aux couleurs sobres. |
lexicalization | fra: Complet |
lexicalization | fra: robe |
Irish | |
lexicalization | gle: gúna |
Galician | |
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lexicalization | glg: traxe |
Hebrew | |
lexicalization | heb: שמלה |
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lexicalization | heb: חליפה |
Hindi | |
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lexicalization | hin: sUta |
Hungarian | |
lexicalization | hun: ruha |
lexicalization | hun: öltözet |
Armenian | |
lexicalization | hye: զգեստ |
lexicalization | hye: շոր |
Ido | |
lexicalization | ido: robo |
Indonesian | |
has gloss | ind: Jas (bahasa Belanda: jas) adalah pakaian resmi model Eropa, berlengan panjang dan dipakai di luar kemeja. Setelan jas (bahasa Inggris: suit) atau hanya disebut setelan sedikitnya terdiri dari sebuah jas dan sebuah celana panjang yang dibuat dari kain yang yang sama. Berdasarkan jumlah baris kancing di bagian depan, jas terdiri dari jas kancing sebaris (single breasted) dan jas kancing dua baris (double breasted). |
lexicalization | ind: jas |
lexicalization | ind: pakaian |
Icelandic | |
lexicalization | isl: kjóll |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Un abito completo da uomo, comunemente chiamato semplicemente completo o abito, è un indumento di origine britannica, composto solitamente da una giacca e da un pantalone dello stesso tessuto. |
lexicalization | ita: vestito |
lexicalization | ita: Abito completo da uomo |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: 背広(せびろ)とはスーツ(suit )一般(主としてビジネス用)を指す言葉で、男子が平服として用いる洋服である。共布で作った上着とズボンが一組となったものをいい、更に共布のウェストコート(チョッキ、アメリカ英語ではヴェスト(vest))を加えたものは「三つ揃い」という。上着の下にワイシャツを着用し、ネクタイを結ぶ。また、単に上着のみをいうこともある。 |
lexicalization | jpn: 背広 |
Show unreliable ▼ | |
lexicalization | jpn: 洋服一そろい |
Georgian | |
lexicalization | kat: კაბა |
Central Khmer | |
lexicalization | khm: សម្លៀកបំពាក់ |
lexicalization | khm: សំលៀកបំពាក់ |
Korean | |
has gloss | kor: 슈트(suit)는 재킷과 치마 또는 재킷과 바지를 같은 옷감으로 만들어 셔츠나 블라우스와 함께 입는 옷차림을 뜻한다. 정장 차림으로 외출할 때나 통근할 때 주로 입는다. 조끼를 포함하기도 하여 한 벌을 이룬다. |
lexicalization | kor: 슈트 |
Latvian | |
lexicalization | lav: kleita |
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lexicalization | lav: kostīms |
Lithuanian | |
has gloss | lit: Kostiumas - vyriškas viršutinis drabužis, susidedantis iš kelių aprangos dalių. Moteriškas kostiumas dažniau vadinamas kostiumėliu. |
lexicalization | lit: suknelė |
lexicalization | lit: Kostiumas |
Latgalian | |
lexicalization | ltg: sukne |
Maltese | |
lexicalization | mlt: libsa |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: Een pak is een informeel westers stel kleren voor mannen. Het bestaat uit een broek, hemd, jasje, een das en eventueel een vest en een hoed. |
lexicalization | nld: pak |
lexicalization | nld: jurk |
lexicalization | nld: japon |
Norwegian Bokmål | |
lexicalization | nob: kjole |
Norwegian | |
has gloss | nor: Dress kan sikte til flere forskjellige typer klesdrakt som dekker hele kroppen, eller til en klesdrakt hvor en bukse og et plagg til overkroppen hører sammen - opprinnelig sydd av samme stykke stoff, men også som joggedress, treningsdress og så videre. |
lexicalization | nor: dress |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: Garnitur – męskie ubranie wizytowe, dwu- lub trzyczęściowe, składające się ze spodni, marynarki i kamizelki. W niektórych garniturach kamizelka bywa pomijana. Najczęściej wszystkie trzy elementy uszyte są z tego samego materiału (tkaniny) i wykończone w podobny sposób. Zdarzają się jednak garnitury, gdzie poszczególne elementy uszyte są z różnych materiałów, ale elementy wykończenia są takie same dla wszystkich części. Zwykle dopełnieniem garnituru są odpowiednio dobrane: koszula, krawat, skarpetki i półbuty na cienkiej podeszwie. Jest to popularne ubranie męskie noszone na co dzień w pracy jak i na nieoficjalnych uroczystościach. W Polsce garnitur zastępuje często smoking lub frak w sytuacjach oficjalnych. |
lexicalization | pol: garnitur |
lexicalization | pol: sukienka |
lexicalization | pol: suknia |
Portuguese | |
lexicalization | por: vestido |
lexicalization | por: terno |
Moldavian | |
lexicalization | ron: rochie |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Классический костюм (от — одежда, одеяние, платье) — комплект верхней одежды, изготовленной в одном стиле из одной ткани. В классический костюм входят пиджак и брюки, реже жилет; костюм дополняют сорочка и галстук, иногда платочек в нагрудном кармане. |
lexicalization | rus: платье |
lexicalization | rus: классический костюм |
Slovak | |
lexicalization | slk: šaty |
lexicalization | slk: odev |
Slovenian | |
lexicalization | slv: obleka |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: El traje es el conjunto tradicional masculino en el mundo occidental formado por un combinado de chaqueta y pantalón y en ocasiones, un chaleco. |
lexicalization | spa: traje |
lexicalization | spa: vestido |
Swedish | |
has gloss | swe: Kostym är en typ av dräkt bestående av en kavaj och ett par byxor samt eventuellt även en väst i matchande material och färg. |
lexicalization | swe: klänning |
lexicalization | swe: kostym |
Kiswahili | |
lexicalization | swh: rinda |
Silesian | |
has gloss | szl: Ancug uobleczyńy wizytowe chopůw, dwu-, abo trzitajlowe, na kere skłodajům śe galoty, westa i kabot. |
lexicalization | szl: Ancug |
Telugu | |
lexicalization | tel: దుస్తులు |
lexicalization | tel: బట్టలు |
Tigrinya | |
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lexicalization | tir: ሱፍ |
Turkish | |
lexicalization | tur: giysi |
Venetian | |
has gloss | vec: Un abito completo da omo, comunemente dito sempliçemente completo o abito, el xe un indumento de oriđine inglexe, composto molte volte da na xaca e da un per de braghe de tesuto compagno, che el pol anca esar compagnà da na camiça sarada co una croata. |
lexicalization | vec: Abito completo da omo |
Vietnamese | |
lexicalization | vie: áo dài |
Vlaams | |
lexicalization | vls: kleed |
Yue Chinese | |
has gloss | yue: 西裝(又叫洋裝、西服、洋服、老西等),泛指西式嘅正式套裝,而家就多數指男性着嘅西裝。西裝雖然源自歐洲,但係而家已經成為國際通行嘅正式服裝,係表示禮貌、尊重場合嘅一種方式。 |
lexicalization | yue: 西裝 |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 西裝(又稱洋裝、西服、洋服等),泛指西式的正式套裝,現代多指男性西裝。西裝雖然源自歐洲,但現已成為國際通行的正式服裝,是表示禮貌、尊重場合的一種方式。 |
lexicalization | zho: 西裝 |
Links | |
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similar | e/Suit (clothing) |
Media | |
media:img | DSCN0758bis (pin-striped angled pockets).jpg |
media:img | EsmoquinSombra.jpg |
media:img | First family and Elizabeth II 2007 (outside).jpg |
media:img | FordNixonBushReaganCarter.jpg |
media:img | Gentleman in bowler.JPG |
media:img | Grey and navy suit on mannequin.jpg |
media:img | Gül et Rice.jpg |
media:img | Jk35 1.gif |
media:img | John F Kennedy Official Portrait.jpg |
media:img | Kevin Brown.jpg |
media:img | Longhair-2005-04-17.jpg |
media:img | Notch lapel.svg |
media:img | Official portrait of President Reagan and Vice President Bush 1981.jpg |
media:img | Peak lapel.svg |
media:img | Pinstripe suit.jpg |
media:img | Reagan hirohito.jpg |
media:img | Shawl lapel.svg |
media:img | Single-Double-Breasted.svg |
media:img | Suit tie.JPG |
media:img | TailoringFirstFitFront02.jpg |
media:img | Versailles big four.gif |
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