Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a card game in which you play your sevens and other cards in sequence in the same suit as the sevens; you win if you are the first to use all your cards sevens, fantan, parliament |
has gloss | eng: Sevens, also known as Laying Out Sevens, Fan Tan or Parliament, is a card game for 3–7 players using a standard deck of 52 cards. Cards are played out to form a layout of sequences going up and down in suit from the sevens (as in many solitaire games). The game is won by emptying one's hand before the other players. |
lexicalization | eng: fantan |
lexicalization | eng: parliament |
lexicalization | eng: sevens |
lexicalization | eng: Shichi Narabe |
subclass of | (noun) a game played with playing cards card game, cards |
Meaning | |
Czech | |
lexicalization | ces: sedmičky |
German | |
has gloss | deu: Elfer Raus ist ein Kartenspiel, das aus 80 Spielkarten besteht; auf den Karten sind die Zahlen von eins bis 20 in jeweils einer der vier Farben (blau, grün, rot und gelb) aufgedruckt. Ziel des Spiels ist es, durch kontinuierliches Ablegen als erster keine Karten mehr auf der Hand zu haben. Auch gibt es eine Junior Edition bei dem die Karten mit Tiermotiven illustriert sind. |
lexicalization | deu: Elfer raus! |
lexicalization | deu: Elfer Raus |
Faroese | |
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lexicalization | fao: ting |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: 7並べ(しちならべ、sevens)は、トランプゲームの一つ。多くのトランプゲームの解説本(ホイル)では、チルドレンズ・ゲーム(子供向けのゲーム)として扱われている。また、ファンタンドミノともいう。 |
lexicalization | jpn: 7並べ |
Korean | |
lexicalization | kor: 카드놀이의 일종 |
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lexicalization | kor: 카드놀이의 하나 |
lexicalization | kor: 판탄 |
lexicalization | kor: 팬탠 |
Portuguese | |
has gloss | por: O dominó de baralho (também conhecido por dominó de cartas) é um jogo de cartas baseado no dominó. O principal objetivo do jogo, assim como no dominó, é bater descartando todas as cartas, e assim somar o menor números de pontos . |
lexicalization | por: Dominó de baralho |
Castilian | |
has gloss | spa: El cinquillo es un juego de cartas extremadamente similar a los seises. Se juega con la baraja española y pueden jugar de 3 a 6 jugadores. |
lexicalization | spa: Cinquillo |
Chinese | |
has gloss | zho: 排七,或稱接龍(英文:Sevens或Laying Out Sevens)是一個撲克牌遊戲。遊戲人數理論上沒有限制,但一般來說,最適合是4~10人。 |
lexicalization | zho: 排七 |
Links | |
similar | e/Sevens (card game) |
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