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has gloss(noun) a group of people who adhere to a common faith and habitually attend a given church
congregation, faithful, fold
has glosseng: A congregation is a group of people who have come together (congregated) for something, usually for religious worship. In Christian churches the word “congregation” is often used to mean all the people in the main part of the church, but not the choir or the priests. For example: the order of service might say that the choir will sing verse 1 of a carol and "the congregation are asked to join in at verse 2".
lexicalizationeng: Congregation
lexicalizationeng: faithful
lexicalizationeng: fold
subclass of(noun) people sharing some social relation
social group
Note: 8 other subclass(es) ommited in the following list
has subclass(noun) a church congregation guided by a pastor
has subclassc/Anglican congregations established in the 17th century
has subclassc/Anglican congregations established in the 18th century
has subclassc/Anglican congregations established in the 20th century
has subclassc/Baptist congregations established in the 18th century
has subclassc/Baptist congregations established in the 19th century
has subclassc/Baptist congregations established in the 20th century
has subclassc/Benedictine congregations
has subclassc/Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) congregations
has subclassc/Congregations of Franciscan sisters
has subclassc/Congregations of Holy Cross
has subclassc/Congregations of Jamaica Province of the Moravian Church
has subclassc/Congregations of the Eastern West Indies Province of the Moravian Church
has subclassc/Congregations of the Moravian Church
has subclassc/Curial Congregations
has subclassc/Lutheran congregations established in the 18th century
has subclassc/Lutheran congregations established in the 20th century
has subclassc/Methodist congregations established in the 19th century
has subclassc/Methodist congregations established in the 20th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 10th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 12th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 13th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 14th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 15th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 17th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 18th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 19th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 20th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 5th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 6th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 7th century
has subclassc/Oriental Orthodox congregations established in the 9th century
has subclassc/Protestant congregations established in the 17th century
has subclassc/Protestant congregations established in the 18th century
has subclassc/Protestant congregations established in the 19th century
has subclassc/Protestant congregations established in the 20th century
has subclassc/Roman Catholic congregations established in the 16th century
has subclassc/Roman Catholic congregations established in the 17th century
has subclassc/Roman Catholic congregations established in the 19th century
has subclassc/Roman Catholic congregations established in the 20th century
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has glosscat: Una congregació és una associació de fidels duna mateixa tradició religiosa, generalment cristiana. En el cas dels cristians, estan units sota ladvocació d'un sant, i es reuneixen per fer exercicis de pietat.
lexicalizationcat: congregació
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Mandarin Chinese
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has glossdan: Menigheden er en betegnelse for et fællesskab - for det meste bruges betegnelsen i forbindelse med en kirke. Altså betegner ordet de mennesker der kommer i den givne kirke.
lexicalizationdan: Menighed
has glossdeu: Eine Kongregation (lat.: „zusammen“, „Herde“, „Schar“; verwandt mit „Kongress“) ist
lexicalizationdeu: Kongregation
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lexicalizationkor: 모임
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has glossnld: Een gemeente is in de protestantse traditie een plaatselijke geloofsgemeenschap. Het nationale kerkverband wordt meestal met de term kerk aangeduid. Het equivalente begrip in het katholicisme is de parochie.
lexicalizationnld: gemeente
lexicalizationnld: menigte
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Norwegian Nynorsk
has glossnno: Ein kyrkjelyd (av norrønt lýðr, folk) er folk som er til stades ved ei gudsteneste i kyrkja eller som soknar til ei kyrkje.
lexicalizationnno: kyrkjelyd
Norwegian Bokmål
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has glossnor: Menighet (av middelnedertysk menheit, fellesskap) er et lokalt geografisk distrikt innen en religion, med medlemmer som bor på et bestemt sted og kommer sammen i samme forsamlingshus.
lexicalizationnor: menighet
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lexicalizationpol: kongregacja
has glosspor: Congregação é grupo de pessoas reunidas para determinado propósito ou atividade. Tem a sua origem etimológica na palavra grega ekklesia, que significa literalmente “chamada para fora”, de ek, “para fora”, e klesis, “chamada”. O termo foi usado pelos primitivos gregos com respeito a um corpo de cidadãos reunidos para tratar de assuntos de Estado. Os equivalentes, em português, desta palavra são “assembléia” e “congregação”.
lexicalizationpor: congregação
has glossrus: Конгрега́ция ( — союз, соединение) в католицизме — совокупность, союз или организация монастырей, следующих одному и тому же уставу; нередко — синоним слова «орден». Более точно под конгрегацией подразумевается подобное монашескому сообщество, утвержденное епископом или папой (в настоящее время признанное также и государством) и отличающееся от монашеского тем, что члены его приносят не торжественные, a лишь простые обеты.
lexicalizationrus: Конгрегация
lexicalizationrus: собрание
lexicalizationrus: паства
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has glossspa: Una congregación es una hermandad de fieles de una misma tradición religiosa, generalmente cristiana.
lexicalizationspa: Congregacion
lexicalizationspa: Congregación
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has glossswe: Kongregation har tre huvudsakliga, samtliga romersk-katolska betydelser:
lexicalizationswe: kongregation
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has glossukr: Конгрегація - підрозділ Римської Курії, своєрідне міністерство Ватикану.
lexicalizationukr: Конгрегація
lexicalizationukr: Конґреґація
lexicalizationukr: сходка
lexicalizationukr: збори
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member of(noun) a group of religious congregations having its own organization and a distinctive faith
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