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has gloss(noun) the men and women who man a vehicle (ship, aircraft, etc.)
has glosseng: A crew is a body or a class of people who work at a common activity, generally in a structured or hierarchical organization. A location in which a crew works is called a crewyard or a workyard. The word has nautical resonances: the tasks involved in operating a ship, particularly a sailing ship, providing numerous specialities within a ships crew, often organised with a chain of command. Traditional nautical usage strongly distinguishes officers from crew, though the two groups combined form the ships company. Members of a crew are often referred to by the title "Crewman".
has glosseng: A crew usually is a group of people that work within a common organisation, and that have some activities in common. The usual place where crews can be found are ships and airplanes. On such ships and aircraft, some functions some people perform are very special. It is therefore common that crews are organised in a hierarchy. Every person, except the captain, at the top, has a person above them. They will report to that person.
lexicalizationeng: crew
subclass of(noun) an organization regarded as part of a larger social group; "the coach said the offensive unit did a good job"; "after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit"
unit, social unit
has subclass(noun) the crew of an aircraft
air crew, aircrew
has subclass(noun) the crew of a merchant vessel
merchant marine
has subclassc/Mafia crews
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has glossbul: Екипаж е група хора, обединени в някаква структура или йерархия, с цел изпълнение на съвместна работа или задача.
lexicalizationbul: екипаж
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has glosscat: Una tripulació es conforma dun grup de persones que treballen en una tasca en comuna, generalment sota una estructura jerarquitzada. Especialment designa al personal de conducció i de serveis duna nau o aeronau. Per influència de langlès crew saplica a determinades activitats relacionades amb les subcultures urbanes.
lexicalizationcat: tripulació
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lexicalizationces: skupina
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Mandarin Chinese
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Crimean Tatar
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has glossdan: En skibsbesætning er betegnelsen for de medarbejdere på et skib – som har fastere funktioner på skibet. Det vil naturligvis være et varierende antal stillinger der vil være på et konkret skib. Funktionerne er afhængig af hvilken skibstype, der er tale om og hvor mange besætningsmedlemmer der er. En person kan også dække flere funktioner. Nedenfor er en liste af titler på besætningsmedlemmer Skibets førelse
lexicalizationdan: Skibsbesætning
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has glossdeu: Eine Schiffsbesatzung (auch Bemannung) ist die Gesamtheit aller Seeleute auf einem Boot oder Schiff. Zur Besatzung zählen der Kapitän, seine nautischen Offiziere, technische Offiziere sowie – je nach Fahrzeug – andere Mitarbeiter wie Decks-, Maschinen- und Service-Personal.
lexicalizationdeu: Mannschaft
lexicalizationdeu: Schiffsbesatzung
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Modern Greek (1453-)
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has glossfra: L’équipage, dune manière générale, désigne lensemble du personnel affecté à la bonne marche dun véhicule. On parle ainsi déquipage sur un avion, sur un bateau, sur un char d'assaut...
lexicalizationfra: Equipage
lexicalizationfra: équipage
lexicalizationfra: équipe
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lexicalizationhun: csapat
lexicalizationhye: խումբ
Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)
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has glossisl: Áhöfn er hópur fólks sem starfar saman um borð í skipi, kafbáti, flugvél eða öðru loftfari. Notkun flókinna farartækja þarfnast nokkurra starfsmanna sem taka að sér sérhæfð verkefni og þannig hefur hver áhafnarmeðlimur skilgreint hlutverk um borð.
lexicalizationisl: Áhöfn
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has glossita: Un equipaggio (raramente anche indicato, con termine di importazione inglese, crew) è un gruppo di più persone accomunate dal proprio lavoro e/o interessi. La parola è un francesismo, che ha come radice la parole Equip - squadra, viene generalmente usata per indicare chi lavora all'interno di un veicolo; nave, aereo, carrarmato, etc.
lexicalizationita: equipaggio
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has glosslit: Įgula, ekipažas - transporto priemonės ar kovos mašinos personalas.
lexicalizationlit: įgula
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lexicalizationnld: ploeg
lexicalizationnld: team
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Norwegian Bokmål
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has glossnor: Mannskap er betegnelsen på en arbeidsstyrke som under felles ledelse eller kommando skal løse et oppdrag eller gjennomføre konkrete oppgaver, som f.eks besetningen på fartøyer, både båt og fly, ulike former for utposter som fyr, meteorologiske stasjoner, militære enheter og for andre former for arbeidslag som tjenestegjør på en operativ enhet.
lexicalizationnor: mannskap
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has glosspol: Załoga - etatowy zespół osób obsługujących jednostkę pływającą.
lexicalizationpol: załoga
has glosspor: Tripulação é o nome dado a equipe que realiza a manutenção das atividades primordiais ao bom funcionamento de grandes meios de transporte, sejam estes aéreos, aquáticos ou terrestres.
lexicalizationpor: Tripulação
lexicalizationpor: equipe
lexicalizationpor: tripulação
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has glossrus: Экипа́ж ( — оснащение корабля; судовая команда; от  — снаряжать, снабжать, экипировать) — группа людей, объединённых в упорядоченную иерархическую структуру с целью выполнения совместной работы или совместного задания на движущемся средстве. Слово «экипаж» происходит из практики мореплавания, где на парусных судах люди, выполняющие различные функции, объединялись в экипаж для совместного управления судном.
lexicalizationrus: экипаж
lexicalizationrus: команда
lexicalizationslk: čata
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has glossspa: Una tripulación se conforma de un grupo de personas que trabajan en una tarea en común, generalmente bajo una estructura jerarquizada. Especialmente designa al personal de conducción y de servicios de una nave o aeronave. Por influencia del inglés crew se aplica a determinadas actividades relacionadas con las subculturas urbanas.
lexicalizationspa: Tripulacion
lexicalizationspa: tripulación
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has glossswe: Besättning är de personer som tjänstgör ombord på båtar, fartyg, luftfartyg, bussar, tåg och andra transportmedel. Även många rymdskepp har besättning. Besättningen ansvarar för farkostens styrning, navigation, kommunikation, passagerare och last. En besättning indelas efter typ av tjänstgöring och tjänstgöringsgrad, till exempel på fartyg sjökapten, styrman, maskinist, matros. Besättning på segelbåtar och segelfartyg kan vara skeppare, rorsman, gast med flera.
lexicalizationswe: besättning
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has glossukr: Екіпа́ж — група людей, обєднаних в якусь структуру або ієрархію з метою виконання спільної роботи або сумісного завдання. Слово екіпаж походить з практики мореплавання, де на парусних судах люди, що виконують різні функції, обєднувалися, для сумісного управління судном.
lexicalizationukr: екіпаж
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has member(noun) a member of the crew of a submarine
has member(noun) a relief pilot on an airplane
copilot, co-pilot
has member(noun) a member of a flight crew
crewman, crew member
member of(noun) crew of a ship including the officers; the whole force or personnel of a ship
company, ship's company
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media:imgBundesarchiv Bild 116-424-041, China, Tsingtau.jpg
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media:imgUS Navy 040518-N-9662L-023 Chilean crew members aboard the training ship Esmeralda (BE 43) sing the Chilean Navy Helm.jpg


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