Information | |
has gloss | (verb) force or drive back; "repel the attacker"; "fight off the onslaught"; "rebuff the attack" repel, drive back, fight off, repulse, rebuff |
lexicalization | eng: drive back |
lexicalization | eng: fight off |
lexicalization | eng: rebuff |
lexicalization | eng: repel |
lexicalization | eng: repulse |
subclass of | (verb) fight against or resist strongly; "The senator said he would oppose the bill"; "Don't fight it!" fight down, fight back, oppose, fight, defend |
Meaning | |
Catalan | |
lexicalization | cat: repel·lir |
Czech | |
lexicalization | ces: zapudit |
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lexicalization | ces: zahnat zpět |
Mandarin Chinese | |
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lexicalization | cmn: ju |
lexicalization | cmn: 拒 |
Welsh | |
lexicalization | cym: cilgwthio |
German | |
lexicalization | deu: zurückweisen |
French | |
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lexicalization | fra: reconduire |
Italian | |
lexicalization | ita: repellere |
Korean | |
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lexicalization | kor: 퇴짜놓다 |
Dutch | |
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lexicalization | nld: terugdringen |
Portuguese | |
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lexicalization | por: repelir |
Russian | |
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lexicalization | rus: отразить |
Turkish | |
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lexicalization | tur: itici gelmek |
lexicalization | tur: kabaca reddetmek |
Ukrainian | |
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lexicalization | ukr: відмову |
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