Information | |
has gloss | (verb) cover with a light dusting of a substance; "dust the bread with flour" dust |
lexicalization | eng: dust |
subclass of | (verb) provide with a covering or cause to be covered; "cover her face with a handkerchief"; "cover the child with a blanket"; "cover the grave with flowers" cover |
Meaning | |
Mandarin Chinese | |
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lexicalization | cmn: dan |
lexicalization | cmn: 撢 |
German | |
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lexicalization | deu: überpudern |
Basque | |
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lexicalization | eus: hautsa_kendu |
Finnish | |
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lexicalization | fin: tomuttaa |
Hungarian | |
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lexicalization | hun: kiporol |
lexicalization | hun: leporol |
lexicalization | hun: port töröl |
Thai | |
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lexicalization | tha: ทำให้เป็นฝุ่น |
lexicalization | tha: ปัดฝุ่นออก |
lexicalization | tha: โปรยผง |
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