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means(adjective) sharply disagreeable; rigorous; "the harsh facts of court delays"; "an abrasive character"
abrasive, harsh
means(adjective) highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust; "a disgusting smell"; "distasteful language"; "a loathsome disease"; "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me"; "revolting food"; "a wicked stench"
loathsome, revolting, repellent, wicked, disgusting, distasteful, foul, repellant, skanky, yucky, disgustful, repelling, loathly
means(adjective) severe; "a harsh penalty"
means(adjective) causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm; "a dangerous operation"; "a grave situation"; "a grave illness"; "grievous bodily harm"; "a serious wound"; "a serious turn of events"; "a severe case of pneumonia"; "a life-threatening disease"
life-threatening, severe, serious, dangerous, grievous, grave
means(adjective) unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment; "a parent severe to the pitch of hostility"- H.G.Wells; "a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien"; "a strict disciplinarian"; "a Spartan upbringing"
severe, spartan
means(adjective) intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality; "severe pain"; "a severe case of flu"; "a terrible cough"; "under wicked fire from the enemy's guns"; "a wicked cough"
wicked, terrible, severe
means(adjective) disagreeable to the senses; "the harsh cry of a blue jay"; "harsh cognac"; "the harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes"; "harsh irritating smoke filled the hallway"
means(adverb) without skill or in a displeasing manner; "she writes badly"; "I think he paints very badly"
means(adverb) in an irreverent or profane manner; "he kept wondering profanely why everything bad happened to him"
means(adverb) causing great damage or hardship; "industries hit hard by the depression"; "she was severely affected by the bank's failure"
severely, hard
means(adverb) very much; strongly; "I wanted it badly enough to work hard for it"; "the cables had sagged badly"; "they were badly in need of help"; "he wants a bicycle so bad he can taste it"
bad, badly
means(adverb) in an awkward manner; "he bent awkwardly"
means(adverb) with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly'); "the injury hurt badly"; "the buildings were badly shaken"; "it hurts bad"; "we need water bad"
bad, badly
means(adverb) in a harsh and grating manner; "her voice fell gratingly on our ears"
raspingly, gratingly, harshly
means(adverb) with unusual distress or resentment or regret or emotional display; "they took their defeat badly"; "took her father's death badly"; "conducted himself very badly at the time of the earthquake"
means(adverb) with sternness; in a severe manner; "`No,' she said sternly"; "peered severely over her glasses"
sternly, severely
means(adverb) evilly or wickedly; "treated his parents badly"; "to steal is to act badly"
means(adverb) unfavorably or with disapproval; "tried not to speak ill of the dead"; "thought badly of him for his lack of concern"
ill, badly
means(adverb) in a harsh or unkind manner; "`That's enough!,' he cut in harshly"
means(adverb) in a wicked evil manner; "act wickedly"; "grin evilly"
evilly, wickedly


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