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means(adjective) highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust; "a disgusting smell"; "distasteful language"; "a loathsome disease"; "the idea of eating meat is repellent to me"; "revolting food"; "a wicked stench"
loathsome, revolting, repellent, wicked, disgusting, distasteful, foul, repellant, skanky, yucky, disgustful, repelling, loathly
means(adjective) causing or able to cause nausea; "a nauseating smell"; "nauseous offal"; "a sickening stench"
loathsome, noisome, vile, nauseating, sickening, offensive, nauseous, queasy
means(adjective) disagreeable to the senses, to the mind, or feelings ; "an unpleasant personality"; "unpleasant repercussions"; "unpleasant odors"
means(adjective) offensive to the mind; "an abhorrent deed"; "the obscene massacre at Wounded Knee"; "morally repugnant customs"; "repulsive behavior"; "the most repulsive character in recent novels"
repugnant, repulsive, detestable, abhorrent, obscene


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