spa: habilidad

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means(noun) skillfulness in the command of fundamentals deriving from practice and familiarity; "practice greatly improves proficiency"
technique, proficiency
means(noun) possession of the qualities (especially mental qualities) required to do something or get something done; "danger heightened his powers of discrimination"
power, ability
means(noun) ability; "he wanted to try his hand at singing"
means(noun) skill in an occupation or trade
craft, workmanship, craftsmanship
means(noun) the (technical) knowledge and skill required to do something
means(noun) an ability that has been acquired by training
skill, acquirement, accomplishment, acquisition, attainment
means(noun) ability to produce solutions in some problem domain; "the skill of a well-trained boxer"; "the sweet science of pugilism"
science, skill
means(noun) adroitness in using the hands
dexterity, sleight, manual dexterity
means(noun) skillful performance or ability without difficulty; "his quick adeptness was a product of good design"; "he was famous for his facility as an archer"
deftness, quickness, adroitness, adeptness, facility
means(noun) the power to learn or retain knowledge; in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior
mental ability, capacity
meanse/es/Habilidad (juegos de rol)


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