tur: karýþýklýk

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/tur/kar%C3%BD%C3%BE%C3%BDkl%C3%BDk
means(noun) a disturbance of the peace or of public order
means(noun) a state of extreme confusion and disorder
bedlam, pandemonium, chaos, topsy-turvydom, topsy-turvyness
means(noun) a state of confusion and disorderliness; "the house was a mess"; "she smoothed the mussiness of the bed"
mess, mussiness, messiness, muss
means(noun) the act of making a noisy disturbance
tumult, rumpus, ruction, ruckus, commotion, din
means(noun) a confused multitude of things
fuddle, jumble, muddle, smother, welter, clutter, mare's nest
means(noun) a condition in which things are not in their expected places; "the files are in complete disorder"
disorder, disorderliness
means(noun) a state of violent disturbance and disorder (as in politics or social conditions generally); "the industrial revolution was a period of great turbulence"
upheaval, turbulence, Sturm und Drang
means(noun) disorder resulting from a failure to behave predictably; "the army retreated in confusion"


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