tur: tüketmek

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/tur/t%C3%BCketmek
means(verb) pay out; "spend money"
spend, expend, drop
means(verb) use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week"
deplete, wipe out, run through, exhaust, use up, eat, eat up, consume
means(verb) deplete of resources; "The exercise class drains me of energy"
means(verb) deplete; "exhaust one's savings"; "We quickly played out our strength"
play out, run down, exhaust, sap, tire
means(verb) spend completely; "I spend my pocket money in two days"
means(verb) remove soil or rock; "Rain eroded the terraces"
eat away, erode, fret
means(verb) cut away in small pieces
whittle down, wear away, whittle away
means(verb) require (time or space); "It took three hours to get to work this morning"; "This event occupied a very short time"
use up, occupy, take


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