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means(noun) a poisonous colorless flammable gas used in organic synthesis and to dope transistors and as a poison gas in warfare
means(noun) a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar
atomic number 33, As, arsenic
means(noun) a white powdered poisonous trioxide of arsenic; used in manufacturing glass and as a pesticide (rat poison) and weed killer
arsenic trioxide, ratsbane, arsenous anhydride, arsenous oxide, arsenic, white arsenic
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means(verb) conduct an inquiry or investigation of; "The district attorney's office investigated reports of possible irregularities"; "inquire into the disappearance of the rich old lady"
investigate, enquire, inquire
means(verb) pass gradually or leak through or as if through small openings
ooze, seep
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