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has gloss(noun) a chemical used to kill pests (as rodents or insects)
has glosseng: A pesticide is a chemical that is used to kill or prevent animals (or organisms) which are considered to be unwanted. These organisms are called pests. Some of these pests that people do not want are insects, microbes that destroy plants, and other things that affect humans in a bad way and it may kill humans too.Many pesticides are poisonous, and are bad for not only the organisms it kills, but humans too.It also effects the environment and the atmosphere. Types of Pesticides There are different types of pesticides for getting rid of different pests. * Herbicides remove weeds * Insecticides kill insects that eat plants and crops * Fungicides kill any bad fungi
has glosseng: A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substance intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest. A pesticide may be a chemical substance, biological agent (such as a virus or bacterium), antimicrobial, disinfectant or device used against any pest. Pests include insects, plant pathogens, weeds, molluscs, birds, mammals, fish, nematodes (roundworms), and microbes that destroy property, spread disease or are a vector for disease or cause a nuisance. Although there are benefits to the use of pesticides, there are also drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other animals. FAO has defined the term of pesticide as: :any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying or controlling any pest, including vectors of human or animal disease, unwanted species of plants or animals causing harm during or otherwise interfering with the production, processing, storage, transport or marketing of food, agricultural commodities, wood and wood products or animal feedstuffs, or substances which may be administered to animals for the control of insects, arachnids or other pests in or on their bodies.
lexicalizationeng: Pesticides
lexicalizationeng: pesticide
subclass of(noun) material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules
chemical, chemical substance
has subclass(noun) a chemical agent used to kill mites
acaracide, acaricide
has subclass(noun) a pesticide or drug containing arsenic
has subclass(noun) a chemical used to kill insects
insecticide, insect powder
has subclass(noun) a chemical agent that kills lice
has subclass(noun) a colorless gas with a strong fishy smell; used as a pesticide
has subclass(noun) a drug that destroys the itch mite that causes scabies
has subclass(noun) a liquid mixture containing pesticides in which sheep are dipped to kill parasites
sheep dip
has subclass(noun) a pesticide in suspension or solution; intended for spraying
has subclassc/Pesticides by country
Note: 92 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/Agricultural spray adjuvant
has instancee/Algaecide
has instancee/Avicide
has instancee/Crop protection
has instancee/Golden bear oil
has instancee/Indoor residual spraying
has instancee/Natural enemy
has instancee/Nematicide
has instancee/Paradox of the pesticides
has instancee/Pesticide formulation
has instancee/Pesticide poisoning
has instancee/Pesticide residue
has instancee/Pesticide resistance
has instancee/Restricted use pesticide
has instancee/SENSOR-Pesticides
has instancee/Shark repellent
has instancee/Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants#Listed substances
has instancee/es/Fenilurea
has instancee/fi/Fungisidi
has instancee/fi/Off
has instancee/fi/Protiokonatsoli
has instancee/fr/Autorisation d'un produit phytopharmaceutique
has instancee/fr/Cyhexatin
has instancee/fr/Répulsif contre le gibier et les oiseaux
has instancec/it/Anticrittogamici
has instancec/it/Nematocidi
has instancee/it/Fitofarmaco citotropico
has instancee/it/Intervallo di carenza
has instancee/ja/ポストハーベスト農薬
has instancee/ja/展着剤
has instancee/ja/木材保存剤
has instancee/ja/無登録農薬
has instancee/ja/農薬管理指導士
has instancee/nn/Isopropylaminometylaminometyltiotriazin
has instancee/pl/Biologiczne zwalczanie szkodników
has instancee/pl/Ceresan
has instancee/pl/Owicydy
has instancee/pl/Zieleń szwajcarska
has instancee/pt/Tamaron
has instancee/sl/Viricid
has glossara: مبيدات الآفات هي أي مادة قادرة على قتل أو وقف أو تثبيط نمو أي من الآفات التي تسبب ضرراً.
lexicalizationara: مبيد آفات
lexicalizationara: مبيدات
has glossbos: Pesticidi su proizvodi hemijskog ili biološkog porijekla koji su namijenjeni zaštiti ekonomski značajnih biljaka i životinja od korova, bolesti, štetnih insekata, grinja i drugih štetnih organizama. Pod štetnošću se podrazumeva ekonomska šteta ljudskoj poljoprivredi i industriji - smanjenje prinosa ili količine i kvaliteta dobijene hrane. Štetnost nije biološka, niti ekološka osobina organizama. Svako korištenje pesticida sa sobom nosi negativne posledice na ekosistem u kome se primjenjuje i okolne ekosisteme. Smanjenje upotrebe pesticida je jedan od temelja održive poljoprivrede i ideja održivog razvoja.
lexicalizationbos: Pesticidi
has glossbre: Dilastezer eo an anv hollek roet d’an holl danvezioù naturel pe kevanaozel gouest da gontrolañ, da zedennañ, da argas, da zistrujañ pa da enebiñ ouzh diorroadur ar boudoù bev (mikroboù, loened ha plant) a vez sellet oute evel noazus evit al labour-douar, an naetadurezh publik (da skouer ar c’hwiled-du en tier), ar yec’hed publik (an amprevaned arvevat (laou, c’hwen) pe a zegas kleñvedoù evel terzhienn-ar-paludoù hag ar bakteri kontammus eus an dour distrujet gant klor), yec’hed al loened, pe an tachennoù n’int ket gounezet (hentoù, aerborzhioù, hentoù-houarn, rouedadoù tredan...).
lexicalizationbre: dilastezer
has glossbul: Пестицидите са отровни химични съединения, специално създадени от човека за борба срещу вредителите. Наименованието им произлиза от лат. "pestis" - чума и "cideo, ere" -убивам; т.е. "вещества, убиващи чумата и нейните преносители".
lexicalizationbul: Пестициди
lexicalizationbul: пестицид
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has glosscat: Un plaguicida és un agent químic o biològic usat contra lacció daquells organimes vius considerats perjudicials per l'home. Són un tipus de biocida, terme més correcte.
lexicalizationcat: pesticida
lexicalizationcat: plaguicida
lexicalizationcat: Plaguicides
has glossces: Pesticidy jsou přípravky a prostředky, které jsou určené k tlumení a hubení rostlinných a živočišných škůdců, a k ochraně rostlin, skladových zásob, technických produktů, bytů, domů, výrobních závodů nebo i zvířat a člověka. Nejvíce se pesticidy uplatňují v zemědělství.
lexicalizationces: Pesticidy
lexicalizationces: pesticid
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Mandarin Chinese
lexicalizationcmn: shā chóng ji
lexicalizationcmn: 杀虫剂
lexicalizationcmn: 殺蟲劑
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has glossdan: Et pesticid er betegnelsen for en gift, der er beregnet til at kontrollere for eksempel planter, insekter, svampe, gnavere og andre organismer, der opfattes som skadelige.
lexicalizationdan: pesticid
has glossdeu: Pestizid (von lat. pestis = Seuche, caedere = töten) ist eine aus dem englischen Sprachgebrauch übernommene Bezeichnung für chemische Substanzen, die lästige oder schädliche Lebewesen töten, vertreiben oder in Keimung, Wachstum oder Vermehrung hemmen.
lexicalizationdeu: Insektizid
lexicalizationdeu: Insektenbekämpfungsmittel
lexicalizationdeu: Pestizid
lexicalizationdeu: Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel
lexicalizationdeu: Insektengift
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Modern Greek (1453-)
lexicalizationell: φυτοφάρμακο/παρασιτοκτόνο
has glossepo: Pesticidoj (ankaŭ biocidoj), kontraŭdamaĝantaj protektaĵoj estas substancoj, kiuj devas mortigi la plantodamaĝantojn. Alia nocio estas la "plantprotektenzo", kiu pli bone priskribas la celon de tiuj kemiaĵoj. Se la plantoprotektenzoj, la nutrada produktado estus malpli efika.
lexicalizationepo: Pesticidoj
lexicalizationepo: Pesticido
lexicalizationepo: insekticido
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lexicalizationest: pestitsiid
lexicalizationeus: pestizida
lexicalizationfas: سموم حشره‌کش
has glossfin: Torjunta-aineilla tarkoitetaan yleensä aineita, joita käytetään kasvitautien, rikkakasvien ja tuholaishyönteisten torjunnassa. Suomessa valvotaan torjunta-aineiden käyttöä ja tutkitaan torjunta-aineita elintarvikkeista. Tulli valvoo maahan tuotavia torjunta-aineita. Suomen laissa torjunta-aineita käsitellään säädöksessä 159/1984, 4§.
lexicalizationfin: Torjunta-aineet
lexicalizationfin: torjunta-aine
lexicalizationfin: tuholaismyrkky, torjunta-aine
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has glossfra: Un pesticide est une substance émise dans une culture pour lutter contre des organismes nuisibles. Cest un terme générique qui rassemble les insecticides, les fongicides, les herbicides, les parasiticides. Ils sattaquent respectivement aux insectes ravageurs, aux champignons, aux « mauvaises herbes » et aux vers parasites.
lexicalizationfra: pesticide
lexicalizationfra: Pesticide
lexicalizationgle: Lotnaidicídí
has glossglg: Os pesticidas, agroquímicos, tamén denominados praguicidas, son substancias químicas destinadas a matar, repeler, atraer, regular ou interromper o crecemento de seres vivos considerados pragas.
lexicalizationglg: pesticida
lexicalizationhbs: pesticidi
has glossheb: הדברה היא הרחקת, צמצום השפעת או הריגת מזיקים; הללו יכולים להיות יצורים מכל המחלקות הטקסונומיות כמעט: צמחים, חיידקים, פטריות, עופות, דגים, יונקים; אף על פי כן, רוב רובה של ההדברה מיועד למאבק בחרקים.
lexicalizationheb: הדברת מזיקים
has glosshin: कीटनाशक रासायनिक या जैविक पदार्थों का ऐसा मिश्रण होता है जो कीड़े मकोड़ों से होनेवाले दुष्प्रभावों को कम करने, उन्हें मारने या उनसे बचाने के लिए किया जाता है। इसका प्रयोग कृषि के क्षेत्र में पेड़ पौधों को बचाने के लिए बहुतायत से किया जाता है।
lexicalizationhin: कीटनाशक
lexicalizationhin: kItanASakaxavA
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has glosshun: A peszticidek, más néven növényvédőszerek olyan anyagok és annak keverékei, (vegyszerek, biológiai szubsztanciák és egyéb ágensek), melyek alkalmazásának a célja a növények, termények védelme, és a kártevő élőlények távol tartása, terméketlenné tétele és elpusztítása.
lexicalizationhun: peszticid
lexicalizationhun: növényvédőszer
lexicalizationind: pestisida
has glossita: Pesticida è un termine generico utilizzato per designare tutte le sostanze capaci di controllare, limitare, respingere o distruggere gli organismi viventi (microrganismi, animali o vegetali) considerati come nocivi, o di opporsi al loro sviluppo.
lexicalizationita: pesticida
lexicalizationita: Pesticidi
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has glossjpn: 農薬(のうやく)とは、農業の効率化、あるいは農作物の保存に使用される薬剤の総称。殺菌剤、防黴剤(ぼうばいざい)、殺虫剤、除草剤、殺鼠剤(さっそざい)、植物成長調整剤(通称植調:植物ホルモン剤など)等をいう。また、農薬取締法ではアイガモなどの生物も、害虫を駆除することから特定農薬として指定されている。
lexicalizationjpn: 農薬
lexicalizationjpn: 殺虫剤
lexicalizationkat: პესტიციდი
has glosskor: 농약(農藥)은 농산물이나 임산물의 병충해를 방제하는 데 쓰이는 약물이다. 농약에는 유해한 곤충구제용 살충제, 잡초 제거를 위한 제초제, 식물병 방제용 살균제, 쥐를 구제하기 위한 쥐약 및 각종 제품, 소독용 살균제 등이 있다..
lexicalizationkor: 농약
lexicalizationkor: 살충제
has glosslit: Pesticidai ( maras, liga + caedo žudau) - medžiagos, skirtos kovai su nepageidaujamais organizmais. Šis pavadinimas yra apibendrintas. Pesticidai gali būti tiek biologinės kilmės, tiek sintetinės cheminės medžiagos. Daugelis pesticidų yra toksiški ir pavojingi žmonėms ir kitiems šiltakraujams gyvūnams.
lexicalizationlit: Pesticidai
lexicalizationlit: Pesticidas
has glossmkd: Пестицидите (од латински pestis = чума, штетник; caedere = убива) се голема група на отровни материи (токсини) кои се употребуваат во земјоделството со цел да се заштитат земјоделските култури од штетници, а со тоа добивање на поголем принос (во вид на храна и слично).
lexicalizationmkd: пестицид
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Malay (macrolanguage)
has glossmsa: Racun perosak atau pestisid ialah segala bahan yang digunakan untuk membunuh atau merencatkan pertumbuhan makhluk perosak misalnya racun serangga, racun tikus dan lain-lain. Ia boleh terdiri daripada bahan-bahan kimia, agen biologi (seperti virus dan bakteria), bahan nyahjangkit atau segala peranti yang digunakan terhadap organisma perosak. Perosak di sini termasuklah serangga, tumbuhan patogen, rumpai-rumpai, moluska, burung-burung, mamalia, ikan, cecacing dan mikrob-mikrob yang bersaing dengan manusia untuk makanan, memusnah harta benda, menyebar atau ejen penyebar penyakit, selain mengganggu gugat kegiatan manusia. Selain beberapa faedah yang boleh diperoleh melalui penggunaan bahan ini, terdapat juga keburukan-keburukan yang amat berbahaya kepada manusia dan haiwan-haiwan lain terutamanya haiwan peliharaan.
lexicalizationmsa: Racun perosak
has glossnld: Chemische bestrijdingsmiddelen zijn stoffen die worden gebruikt om ziekten, plagen of onkruiden in de landbouw te bestrijden of organismen te bestrijden die hinderlijk of schadelijk zijn (bijv. mieren, ongedierte, aantasting van materialen, algen, ontsmetting van voorwerpen en installaties en houtbescherming). Men onderscheidt: gewasbeschermingsmiddelen (voor in de landbouw) en biociden (de overige). In de dagelijkse omgang worden bestrijdingsmiddelen vaak pesticiden genoemd.
lexicalizationnld: Chemisch bestrijdingsmiddel
lexicalizationnld: bestrijdingsmiddel
Norwegian Nynorsk
lexicalizationnno: Pesticid
Norwegian Bokmål
lexicalizationnob: pesticid
has glossnor: Et pesticid er betegnelsen for en gift, som er beregnet til å kontrollere for eksempel planter, insekter, sopp, gnagere og andre organismer, som oppfattes som skadelige.
lexicalizationnor: pesticid
has glosspol: Pestycydy (łac. pestis – zaraza, pomór, caedo – zabijam) – substancje syntetyczne lub naturalne, stosowane do zwalczania organizmów szkodliwych lub niepożądanych, używane głównie do ochrony roślin uprawnych, lasów, zbiorników wodnych, ale również zwierząt, ludzi, produktów żywnościowych, a także do niszczenia żywych organizmów, uznanych za szkodliwe, w budynkach inwentarskich, mieszkalnych, szpitalnych i magazynach.
lexicalizationpol: pestycydy
lexicalizationpol: środek przeciw szkodnikom
has glosspor: Os pesticidas ou praguicidas são todas as substâncias ou misturas que tem como objetivos impedir, destruir, repelir ou mitigar qualquer praga .
lexicalizationpor: Pesticidas
lexicalizationpor: pesticida
lexicalizationpor: pesticidas
has glossque: Kuru qulluna nisqaqa kurukunata, millay uywachakunata wañuchinapaq imayaykunam, runap chakrankunapi llamk'achisqan.
lexicalizationque: Kuru qulluna
has glossron: Pesticidele sunt produse chimice (exceptând medicamentele) folosite pentru combaterea dăunătorilor plantelor şi a produselor agricole stocate, precum şi pentru combaterea vectorilor biologici ai bolilor omului şi animalelor. Dăunătorii includ microbi, plante sau animale care concurează cu omul pentru hrană, distrug proprietatea, difuzează boli sau reprezintă o calamitate.
lexicalizationron: Pesticide
lexicalizationron: pesticid
has glossrus: Пестициды ( и ) — химические вещества, используемые для борьбы с вредными организмами. Пестициды объединяют следующие группы таких веществ: гербициды, уничтожающие сорняки, инсектициды, уничтожающие насекомых-вредителей, фунгициды, уничтожающие патогенные грибы, зооциды, уничтожающие вредных теплокровных животных и т. д. Большая часть пестицидов — это яды, отравляющие организмы-мишени, но к ним относят также стерилизаторы (вещества, вызывающие бесплодие) и ингибиторы роста.
lexicalizationrus: пестициды
lexicalizationrus: пестицид
has glossslk: Pesticídy sú to chemické látky, ktoré sa v poľnohospodárstve a v lesníctve používajú v proti chorobám, škodcom a burine.
lexicalizationslk: Pesticídy
lexicalizationslk: Pesticíd
lexicalizationslk: pesticíd
has glossslv: Pesticíd (iz latinske besede pestis - kuga + -cid oz. cidium - umor) je sredstvo (kemikalija) za uničevanje škodljivcev na pridelovalnih površinah. Ti škodljivci so lahko žuželke (insekticidi), škodljive rastline -plevel (herbicidi), zajedalske glive - npr. rje (fungicidi). Uporabljajo jih tudi proti insektom, ki prenašajo bolezni (npr. malarija), proti podganam in drugim škodljivcem, ki ogrožajo ljudi in živali.
lexicalizationslv: Pesticidi
lexicalizationslv: pesticid
has glossspa: Los plaguicidas o agroquímicos, son sustancias químicas destinadas a matar, repeler, atraer, regular o interrumpir el crecimiento de seres vivos considerados plagas. Dentro de esta denominación se incluyen insectos, hierbas, pájaros, mamíferos, peces y microbios que compiten con los humanos para conseguir alimento, destruyen las siembras y propagan enfermedades. Los pesticidas no son necesariamente venenos, pero pueden ser tóxicos y desaparecer alimentos tales como los derivados del mosquito.
lexicalizationspa: Pesticidas
lexicalizationspa: Pesticida
lexicalizationspa: plaguicida
lexicalizationspa: pesticida
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lexicalizationsrd: Antiparassitariu
lexicalizationsrp: Пестициди
has glossswe: Ett bekämpningsmedel (pesticid) är en kemikalie som är avsedd för att döda, förhindra framväxt av, eller på annat sätt reglera tillväxt av skadliga organismer. Bekämpningsmedel indelas av Kemikalieinspektionen i växtskyddsmedel respektive biocidprodukter. Växtskyddsmedel används i huvudsak inom jordbruket medan biocidprodukter används i industriella sammanhang.
lexicalizationswe: Bekämpningsmedel
lexicalizationswe: pesticid
has glosstam: உயிர்கொல்லி மருந்து அல்லது பூச்சிகொள்ளி மருந்து என்றும் கூறலாம். இது விஷத் தண்மையைக் கொண்டது. இது உயிர்களை கொள்ளவள்ள ஆற்றலைப் படைத்தது. இது வேளாண்மையில் பெரிதும் பயன்படக் குடியது.
lexicalizationtam: உயிர்கொல்லி மருந்து
lexicalizationtha: ยาฆ่าแมลง
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has glosstur: Pestisit, zararlı organizmaları engellemek, kontrol altına almak, ya da zararlarını azaltmak için kullanılan madde ya da maddelerden oluşan karışımlardır. Pestisit, kimyasal bir madde, virüs ya da bakteri gibi biyolojik bir ajan, antimikrobik, dezenfektan ya da herhangi bir araç olabilir. Zararlı organizmalar, insanların besin kaynaklarına, mal varlıklarına zarar veren, hastalık yayan böcekler, bitki patojenleri, yabani otlar, yumuşakçalar, kuşlar, memeliler, balıklar, solucanlar, ve mikroplar olabilir. Her ne kadar pestisitlerin kullanılmasının bazı yararları olsa da insanlar ve diğer hayvanlar için potensiyel toksisiteleri nedeniyle bazı sorunlarda yaratabilir.
lexicalizationtur: Pestisitler
lexicalizationtur: pestisit
lexicalizationtur: böcek zehiri
has glossukr: Пестици́ди — хімікати, використовуються в сільському господарстві і садівництві для боротьби зі шкідниками. Хімічна сполука, яка використовується для захисту рослин, сільськогосподарських продуктів і боротьби з переносниками небезпечних захворювань.
lexicalizationukr: пестициди
lexicalizationukr: пестицид
has glossvie: Thuốc trừ dịch hại có thể là một hợp chất hoá học hay tác nhân sinh học có khả năng ngăn cản, tiêu diệt, xua đuổi hay hạn chế các loại dịch hại.
lexicalizationvie: thuốc trừ dịch hại
has glosszho: 農藥,根据美國環保署的定義,是指任何能夠預防、摧毀、驅逐、或減輕害蟲的物質或混合物。「害蟲」通常指與人類競爭食物,破壞財產,散播疾病或造成困擾的生命體,包括昆蟲、植物病原體、雜草、軟体動物、鳥類、哺乳類、魚類、線蟲類(蛔虫)及微生物。許多農藥對人體是有毒的。
lexicalizationzho: 农药
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