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has gloss(noun) dry coloring material (especially a powder to be mixed with a liquid to produce paint, etc.)
has glosseng: :For the drug referred to as "pigment," see black tar heroin. A pigment is a material that changes the color of reflected or transmitted light as the result of wavelength-selective absorption. This physical process differs from fluorescence, phosphorescence, and other forms of luminescence, in which a material emits light.
has glosseng: A pigment is something that is added to something else to give it color. Natural pigments can come from just about anything. Pigments can be made from animals, plants, rocks and minerals or even the ground itself, for example clay. Pigments can also be created by people.
lexicalizationeng: Pigments
lexicalizationeng: pigment
subclass of(noun) any material used for its color; "she used a different color for the trim"
colouring material, colour, coloring material, color
has subclass(noun) any of a group of green pigments found in photosynthetic organisms; there are four naturally occurring forms
chlorophyll, chlorophyl
has subclass(noun) a substance in photosensitive bacteria that is related to but different from chlorophyll of higher plants
has subclass(noun) water-soluble proteinaceous pigments found in red algae and cyanobacteria
has subclass(noun) red pigment in red algae
has subclass(noun) blue pigment in algae
has subclass(noun) a white powder used as a pigment for its high covering power and durability
titanic oxide, titanium oxide, titanium dioxide, titania
has subclass(noun) greenish-blue pigment consisting essentially of cobalt oxide and alumina
cobalt ultramarine, cobalt blue
has subclass(noun) a colored mineral used as a pigment
earth color
has subclass(noun) a yellow pigment sometimes suspended in lacquer
stannic sulfide, mosaic gold
has subclass(noun) any of a class of highly unsaturated yellow to red pigments occurring in plants and animals
has subclass(noun) pigment occurring in animals
animal pigment
has subclass(noun) light greenish-blue pigment consisting essentially of oxides of cobalt and tin
cerulean blue
has subclass(noun) any of a class of green pigments consisting of chrome yellow and iron blue
chrome green
has subclass(noun) green pigment consisting of Prussian blue mixed with gamboge
Hooker's green
has subclass(noun) any of several yellow pigments consisting of normal lead chromate and other lead compounds
chrome yellow
has subclass(noun) a water-soluble brownish-yellow pigment made by boiling wood soot
bistre, bister
has subclass(noun) any of a large class of plant pigments having a chemical structure based on or similar to flavone
has subclass(noun) a red pigment composed in part from ferric oxide which is often used in paints and cosmetics
Indian red
has subclass(noun) a black pigment made from grinding burnt ivory in oil
ivory black
has subclass(noun) any of various blue pigments
iron blue, Prussian blue
has subclass(noun) any pigment that produces a greyish to dark greyish blue
Payne's gray, Payne's grey
has subclass(noun) an orange-red crystalline compound used in making red pigments and in dyeing
alizarine, alizarin
has subclass(noun) a soft oily clay used as a pigment (especially a reddish brown pigment)
has subclass(noun) any of numerous bright translucent organic pigments
has subclass(noun) a purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal
has subclass(noun) any pigment producing the orange color
has subclass(noun) water-soluble pigment
water-color, watercolour, watercolor, water-colour
has subclass(noun) either of two yellow to red retinal pigments formed from rhodopsin by the action of light
retinal, retinene
has subclass(noun) a toxic double salt of copper arsenate and copper acetate
Paris green
has subclass(noun) rich brown pigment prepared from the ink of cuttlefishes
has subclass(noun) any of various pigments distributed widely in living tissues
has subclass(noun) a complex red organic pigment containing iron and other atoms to which oxygen binds
heme, haem, haemitin, hematin, protoheme
has subclass(noun) a granular brown substance composed of ferric oxide; left from the breakdown of hemoglobin; can be a sign of disturbed iron metabolism
haemosiderin, hemosiderin
has subclass(noun) blue pigment made of powdered lapis lazuli
ultramarine, ultramarine blue
has subclass(noun) a special pigment found in the rods and cones of the retina
has subclass(noun) pigment of cadmium sulfide and barium sulfate varying in hue from lemon yellow to orange
cadmium yellow
has subclass(noun) a blue or green powder used as a paint pigment
verdigris, cupric acetate
has subclass(noun) a poisonous white pigment that contains lead
ceruse, lead carbonate, white lead
has subclass(noun) a white pigment used in house paints; consists of zinc oxide
Chinese white, zinc white
has subclasse/Photosynthetic pigment
Note: 73 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancec/cs/Organické pigmenty
has instancee/cs/Titanová běloba
has instancee/de/Braunocker
has instancec/de/Anorganisches Pigment
has instancee/de/Pigmentpaste
has instancee/Bice
has instancee/Bilirubin (data page)
has instancec/Anthocyanidins
has instancee/Mummy brown
has instancee/Photoreceptor protein
has instancee/Protocyanin
has instancee/es/Pigmentacion
has instancee/fr/Blanc de titane
has instancec/fr/Pigment minéral
has instancee/fr/Cinabre (couleur)
has instancee/fr/Lapis-lazuli (couleur)
has instancee/it/Pigmenti accessori
has instancee/it/Pigmenti del carbonio
has instancee/ja/プラセオジムイエロー
has instancee/ja/海碧
has instancee/lt/Chromas (pigmentas)
has instancee/lt/Cianas (pigmentas)
has instancee/lt/Kobaltas (pigmentas)
has instancee/lt/Stroncio baltalas
has instancee/ru/Липохромы
has instancee/ru/Укрывистость
has instancee/ru/Фенисьен
has instancee/ru/Феноцианины
has instancee/ru/Шарлах
has instancec/sk/Červené pigmenty
has instancec/sk/Čierne pigmenty
has instancec/sk/Žlté pigmenty
has instancee/sk/Melanín
has instancee/sv/Färgstyrka
has instancee/sv/Grönjord
has instancee/sv/Järnoxidsvart
has instancee/sv/Papperspigment
has instancee/sv/Saftgrönt
has instancee/vi/Sắc tố quang hợp
has instancec/zh/颜料
has glossara: خضاب (الجمع: أخضاب وخُضُب) هي مادة كيميائية تغير لون الضوء المنعكس عنها نتيجة اصطفائية في امتصاص الضوء. يختلط هذا المصطلح كثيرا بمصطلح صباغ. وعملية امتصاص اللون هنا تختلف فيزيائيا عن الفلورية، والفسفورية وغيرها من أشكال الضيائية التي تقوم بها المادة بإنتاج الضوء من جديد كليا. فالعديد من المواد تقوم بامتصاص أطوال موجة معينة من الضوء.
lexicalizationara: خضاب
lexicalizationast: pigmentu
lexicalizationaze: Piqment
lexicalizationbar: Pigment
has glossbos: Pigment je supstanca koja mijenja boju svjetlosti koju reflektuje kao rezultat selektivne apsorpcije svjetlosti određenih talasnih dužina. Pigment mora imati odgovarajuće osobine i stabilnost da bi se mogao koristiti u industriji. Pigmenti se koriste u proizvodnji boja, tekstila, plastike, kozmetike, hrane, umjetničkih materijala, itd.
lexicalizationbos: Pigment
has glossbul: В медицината и биологията пигментите са група вещества, отговорни за оцветяването на тъканите чрез селективно поглъщане на светлината.
lexicalizationbul: Пигменти
lexicalizationbul: пигмент
has glosscat: Un pigment és un material que canvia el color de la llum que reflecteix com resultat de l'absorció selectiva del color. Aquest procés físic és diferent a la fluorescència, la fosforescència i altres formes de luminescència, en les quals el propi material emet llum.
lexicalizationcat: Pigment
lexicalizationcat: pigment
has glossces: Pigment je: * (Obecně) barvivo. * (Biol.) chemická látka (organického původu), jejíž přítomnost v buňce způsobuje změnu zbarvení založenou na selektivní absorpci světla. Jak v rostlinné tak živočišné říši může pigment významným způsobem ovlivňovat život jejího nositele. Příkladem pigmentů v těle rostlin a živočichů mohou být chlorofyl, hemoglobin, melanin nebo karotenoidy. * Anorganická látka, většinou na bázi oxidů kovů, používaná pro potřeby výtvarného umění, zejména malířství. Existuje přibližně 16 skupin anorganických pigmentů, odvíjejících se od prvku, který má pro charakter pigmentu dominantní roli (namátkou: pigmenty z uhlíku, arzenu, titanu, kadmia, kobaltu, chromu, mědi…). * Označení pro typ (a barvu) pokožky.
lexicalizationces: Pigmenty
lexicalizationces: pigment
Mandarin Chinese
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has glossdan: Pigment (lat. pigmentum, "farve") er stoffer, der ændrer farven af det lys, der reflekteres fra det, som følge af selektiv farveabsorption.
lexicalizationdan: pigment
has glossdeu: Pigmente (lateinisch pigmentum für „Farbe“, „Schminke“) sind farbgebende Substanzen, die technisch verwendet werden. Im Gegensatz zu Farbstoffen sind Pigmente jedoch im Anwendungsmedium unlöslich. Anwendungsmedium bezeichnet dabei den Stoff, in den das Pigment eingearbeitet wird, beispielsweise einen Lack oder einen Kunststoff. Farbstoffe und Pigmente gehören gemeinsam zu den Farbmitteln und können anorganisch oder organisch, bunt oder unbunt sein. . In der Biologie bezeichnet der Begriff Pigment alle in einem lebenden Organismus farbgebenden Substanzen. Technisch gesehen handelt es sich hierbei um Farbmittel.
lexicalizationdeu: Farbstoff
lexicalizationdeu: Pigment
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Modern Greek (1453-)
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has glossepo: Pigmento estas substanco, kiu enestas sub tre fajna formo en la haŭto aŭ histo kaj donas al ĝi apartan koloron. Pigmento estas la komuna nocio por la koloraĵoj, troviĝantaj en la ĉeloj de la plantaj kaj bestaj ĉeloj. La plej konataj pigmentoj en la planatj ĉeloj estas la verdaj (klorofiloj) kaj flavaj (karotenoidoj) pigmentoj, en la bestaj ĉeloj la melaninoj.
lexicalizationepo: Pigmentoj
lexicalizationepo: pigmento
lexicalizationest: Pigmendid
has glossfas: رنگدانه ماده‌ای رنگی و معمولا پودری است که با افزودن آن به چیزی به آن رنگ می‌دهیم.
lexicalizationfas: رنگ دانه
lexicalizationfas: رنگدانه
has glossfin: Pigmentti antaa pinnoille värin tai muun optisen ominaisuuden. Pigmentti voi olla läpikuultava tai peittävä. Pigmenttejä on käytännössä saatavilla jauhemaisina, ja ne yleensä sekoitetaan tai hierretään sideaineeseen, jolloin saadaan maalia. Toinen tapa käyttää pigmenttiä on värjäys.
lexicalizationfin: pigmentti
lexicalizationfin: Väriaineet
has glossfra: Le pigment est une substance colorée, naturelle ou artificielle, d'origine minérale ou organique.
lexicalizationfra: Pigment
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has glosshbs: Pigment je materijal koji izgleda obojeno zbog selektivne apsorpcije i refleksije svjetlosti.
lexicalizationhbs: pigment
has glossheb: פיגמנט (בעברית: צִבְעָן) הוא חומר המשפיע על צבע האור הפוגע בו על ידי החזרה ובליעה סלקטיביים. בתעשייה, פיגמנטים משמשים לצביעת חומרים שונים כגון: דיו, צבע, פלסטיק, טקסטיל, מזון ועוד.
lexicalizationheb: פיגמנטים
lexicalizationheb: פיגמנט
has glosshrv: Pigment je materijal koji izgleda obojeno zbog selektivne apsorpcije i refleksije svjetlosti. Pigment je najčešće u obliku čestica.
lexicalizationhrv: pigment
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lexicalizationido: Pigmenti
Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)
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has glossind: Pigmen adalah zat yang terdapat di permukaan suatu benda sehingga bila disinari dengan cahaya putih sempurna akan memberikan sensasi warna tertentu yang mampu ditangkap mata. Proses secara fisik sangatlah berbeda dengan fluorescent, phosphorescence dan bentuk lain dari luminescence, yang mana materi tersebut dapat mengeluarkan cahaya dengan sendirinya.
lexicalizationind: pigmen
has glossita: Un pigmento è una sostanza utilizzata per cambiare colore ad un materiale. Ciò che distingue un pigmento da un colorante è lincapacità di sciogliersi tanto nei comuni solventi come lacqua tanto nel substrato da colorare, perciò si dice che i pigmenti si disperdono.
lexicalizationita: Pigmenti
lexicalizationita: pigmento
has glossjpn: 顔料(がんりょう)は、着色に用いる粉末で水や油に不溶のものの総称。着色に用いる粉末で水や油に溶けるものは染料と呼ばれる。
lexicalizationjpn: 顔料
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has glosskor: 안료(顔料, Pigment)는 물체에 색을 입힐 수 있는 색소로 물에서 녹는 염료과 달리 물이나 기름, 알코올 등에 녹지 않는 성질이 있다. 물, 기름, 합성수지액 등의 반죽를 사용해 녹을 방지하고 광택과 도막의 강도를 증가시키는 역할을 한다.
lexicalizationkor: 안료
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lexicalizationlat: Pigmenta
has glosslit: Pigmentas ( – dažai) organinė ar neorganinė medžiaga, turinti spalvą. Organizmuose – tai medžiaga, lemianti organizmų arba jų organų spalvą, dailėje ir pramonėje – įvairios medžiagos, suteikiančios spalvą dažams ar kitoms medžiagoms. Pigmentas sugeria vienas spektro dalis ir praleidžia (ar atspindi) kitas. Dėl tokio selektyvumo pigmentas įgyja spalvą.
lexicalizationlit: Pigmentai
lexicalizationlit: pigmentas
lexicalizationmkd: Пигменти
has glossnld: Een pigment is een stof die een kleur reflecteert.
lexicalizationnld: pigment
Norwegian Nynorsk
has glossnno: Pigment, eller fargestofff, er stoff som gjev objekt farge, ved å reflektera lys av visse bølgjelengder. Pigment finst naturleg i dei fleste dyr og plantar.
lexicalizationnno: pigment
Norwegian Bokmål
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has glossnor: Fargestoff eller pigment er stoffer som reflekterer synlig lys og som finnes naturlig i planter og dyr. Pigmenter kan også utvinnes eller lages for å farge gjenstander, materialer og maling.
lexicalizationnor: fargestoff
Occitan (post 1500)
has glossoci: Un pigment es un material que càmbia la color de la lutz que rebat en resulta duna absorcion selectiva de las colors. Aqueste fenomèn fisic es diferent de la fluorescéncia, de la fosforescéncia, e dautras formas de luminescéncia, que lo quite material emet de lutz.
lexicalizationoci: pigment
has glossorm: Pigmentiin waan qalamu ifaa isaa irratti (amh) antsabaraqu jijjiru dha, kunis waan qalamu fillaxe xuxuuf. Dalagaan kunii immo fluorescence, phosphorescence, fi gossa biraa luminescence, kan waantichinu ifaa ofii kessa basuu irra gargari jirra. Waantonni bayeen fillanodhan wavelength ifaa hanga taee xuxuu. Waantonni ilmen nama fillate fi midhasite akka pigmentiit fayyadamtu ammalaa adda taee kan akka waan biraa qalamu jijjiru dandaan isaan dandesisuu qabu. Pigmentiin kuniis humna yokan jabenya tinting gudda kan waantotta isaan guilarmo qalayyadamatu yfiin olmaan kkantolaq delhaatu masqii fantol kan qalamu jijjiranii calluu qabachu qabu. Akkasumas temprature kara hundan argamu kessatti, akkata solid kessatti ofii dandaee jirrachuu qabachu danda'a.
lexicalizationorm: pigment
has glosspol: Barwniki – związki chemiczne wybiórczo absorbujące promieniowanie elektromagnetyczne w zakresie widzialnym (o długości fali od ok. 400 do 780 nm) warunkujące barwę organizmów roślinnych i zwierzęcych albo nadające barwę przedmiotom użytkowym; służą do barwienia (barwienie włókien) m.in. włókien naturalnych i chemicznych, tworzyw sztucznych, skóry, papieru, żywności. Według współczesnej, tzw. elektronowej, teorii barwności barwa związku organicznego jest spowodowana obecnością w jego cząsteczce sprzężonych układów elektronów π, które bardzo łatwo ulegają wzbudzeniu, absorbując promieniowanie o określonej długości fali w widzialnej części widma; nie pochłonięte składniki (obszary) widma zostają odbite dając wrażenie barwy. W teorii klasycznej barwa związku zależy od obecności w jego cząsteczce ugrupowania atomów, zwanych chromoforem; związek barwny staje się barwnikiem dopiero po wprowadzeniu do jego cząsteczki ugrupowania atomów, zwanych auksochromem.
lexicalizationpol: barwniki
lexicalizationpol: pigment
has glosspor: Em biologia, pigmentos são os compostos químicos responsáveis pelas cores das plantas ou animais. Quase todos os tipos de células, como as da pele, olhos, cabelo etc. contêm pigmentos. Seres com deficiência de pigmentação são chamados albinos.
lexicalizationpor: Pigmentos
lexicalizationpor: pigmento
has glossron: Pigmentul este o moleculă sau macromoleculă insolubilă, ce are proprietatea să absoarbă unde cu lungimi specifice. Pigmentul deci are o anumită culoare specifică, pe care o transmite celulelor, ţesuturilor, materialelor, ce conţin pigmentul dat. Pigmenţi anorganici Pigmenţi organici
lexicalizationron: pigment
lexicalizationron: Pigmenţi
has glossrus: Пигменты - компоненты наполненных композиционных материалов, придающие материалам непрозрачность, цвет, противокоррозионные и другие свойства. * Слово пигмент может иметь несколько оттенков значений.
lexicalizationrus: Пигменты и технология пигментов
lexicalizationrus: Пигменты
lexicalizationrus: краситель
lexicalizationrus: пигмент
has glossslk: Ako pigment alebo prášková farba sa v maliarstve označuje prírodná alebo umelá prášková farebná substancia, nerozpustná vo vodových alebo olejových pojidlách. Organické pigmety sú farby rozpustené vo vode, liehu alebo v olejoch, ktorými sa zafarbí substrát, t.j. niektorý z neutrálnych, najčastejšie bielych nerastných pigmentov (barit, krieda, kaolín alebo sadra). Prírodné organické pigmenty sa pripravujú z rastlinných alebo živočíšnych farbív (kvety šafranu, brazílsky purpur, karmín) alebo sa vyrábajú synteticky.
lexicalizationslk: Pigmenty
lexicalizationslk: pigment
lexicalizationslv: Pigment
has glossspa: Un pigmento es un material que cambia el color de la luz que refleja como resultado de la absorción selectiva del color. Este proceso físico es diferente a la fluorescencia, la fosforescencia y otras formas de luminiscencia, en las cuales el propio material emite luz. Muchos materiales selectivamente absorben ciertas ondas de luz, dependiendo de su longitud de onda. Los materiales que los seres humanos han elegido y producido para ser utilizados como pigmentos por lo general tienen propiedades especiales que los vuelven ideales para colorear otros materiales. Un pigmento debe tener una alta fuerza teñidora relativa a los materiales que colorea. Además debe ser estable en forma sólida a temperatura ambiente.
lexicalizationspa: Pigmentos
lexicalizationspa: pigmento
has glosssrp: Пигмент је материјал који изгледа обојено као резултат селективне апсорпције светлости. Обојеност долази услед одбијања и преламања светлости, флуоресценције, фосфоресценције или луминесценције. Могу бити природни и вештачки, огрански и неогрански.
lexicalizationsrp: пигмент
has glossswe: Pigment är ett material som förändrar färgsammansättningen i reflekterande ljus som ett resultat av selektiv färgabsorbering vilket innebär att vissa material absorberar vissa våglängder av ljuset. Denna fysiska process skiljer sig från exempelvis fluorescens, fosforescens och andra former av luminiscens, då materialet självt inte alstrar något ljus.
lexicalizationswe: Färgpigment
lexicalizationswe: pigment
has glosstel: వర్ణకాలు (Pigments) మన శరీరంలో రక్తంలోను, చర్మంలోను, కంటిలోను ఉండే రంగు పదార్ధాలు. ఈ విధమైన పదార్ధాలు ఒక నిర్ధిష్టమైన తరంగదైర్ఘ్యం కలిగిన కాంతి కిరణాలను మాత్రమే పరావర్తనం చేస్తాయి. ఇవి సొంతంగా కాంతి కిరణాలను ఉత్పత్తిచేయవు. మానవులు కొన్ని రకాల వర్ణకాలను ఇతర పదార్ధాలను రంగువిగా చేయడానికి ఉపయోగిస్తున్నారు. కొన్ని రకాల వర్ణకాలు తొందరగా వెలిసిపోతాయి లేదా రంగు మారిపోతాయి. వాణిజ్య అవసరాల కోసం, ఎక్కువగా శాస్వతంగా ఉండే వర్ణకాలను వాడతారు.
lexicalizationtel: వర్ణకాలు
has glosstha: รงควัตถุ คือบางสิ่งที่เพิ่มเข้าไปในอีกสิ่งหนึ่งแล้วทำให้ได้สีขึ้นมา. รงควัตถุธรรมชาตินั้นแทบจะหาได้จากทุกๆอย่าง รงควัตถุ สามารถสร้างได้จากสัตว์ พืช หิน แร่ธาตุ หรือแม้แต่ตัวรงควัตถุ เช่นคลอโรฟีลล์
lexicalizationtha: รงควัตถุ
has glosstur: Pigment, tüm nesnelerin renklerini oluşturan moleküllerdir Pigment moleküllerinin harekete geçmesi için belirli bir enerji gereklidir. Renklerin oluşmasındaki diğer tüm aşamalarda olduğu gibi, pigmentlerle ışık arasında da ilişki vardır. Zira dünyaya ulaşan güneş ışığı, canlılarda renk molekülü olarak bilinen söz konusu pigment molekülleri için önemli rol oynar.
lexicalizationtur: Pigmentler
lexicalizationtur: pigment
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has glossukr: Пігмент — хімічна речовина, що в результаті вибіркового поглинання змінює колір світла, яке відбивається від нього. На відміну від люмінесценції, при цьому сам матеріал не випромінює світла.
lexicalizationukr: Пігменти
lexicalizationukr: пігмент
lexicalizationurd: صباغ
lexicalizationvie: Sắc tố
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Yue Chinese
has glossyue: 顏料(pigment),又叫色素,係一類令人睇來唔同色嘅料。有光射落佢度嗰陣,佢會吸走咁啲色嘅光,淨返反射出來嘅光,就係顏料嘅色。顏料本身唔會放光,只會反射落去嘅光。
lexicalizationyue: 顏料
has glosszho: 色素有時稱颜料,是能使物体染上颜色的物质。颜料有可溶性的和不可溶性的,有无机的和有机的区别。
lexicalizationzho: 色素
lexicalizationzho: 颜料
part of:substance(noun) a substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface (especially a mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid); dries to form a hard coating; "artists use `paint' and `pigment' interchangeably"
pigment, paint
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media:img526px-Complex reflectance RH.png
media:imgCI Pigment Yellow 151.svg
media:imgHimba lady preparing deodorant.jpg
media:imgIndian pigments.jpg
media:imgIndigo plant extract sample.jpg
media:imgJan Vermeer van Delft 021.jpg
media:imgJohannes Vermeer (1632-1675) - The Girl With The Pearl Earring (1665).jpg
media:imgJohannes Vermeer - De melkmeid.jpg
media:imgMonarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus Male 2664px.jpg
media:imgMonarch butterfly.jpg
media:imgNatural ultramarine pigment.jpg
media:imgPaul Cézanne 160.jpg
media:imgPruissisch blauw.png
media:imgSimple reflectance.svg
media:imgTizian 041.jpg
media:imgTrilead tetraoxide.jpg


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