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has gloss(noun) New World vipers: pit vipers
family Crotalidae, Crotalidae
lexicalizationeng: Crotalidae
lexicalizationeng: family Crotalidae
subclass of(noun) a family of reptiles
reptile family
has member(noun) New World vipers with hollow fangs and a heat-sensitive pit on each side of the head
pit viper
has member(noun) copperheads
genus Agkistrodon, genus Ancistrodon, Agkistrodon, Ancistrodon
has member(noun) pit viper with horny segments at the end of the tail that rattle when shaken
rattler, rattlesnake
has member(noun) large rattlesnakes; seldom bite unless startled or pursuing prey
genus Crotalus, Crotalus
has member(noun) pygmy rattlesnakes
genus Sistrurus, Sistrurus
has member(noun) fer-de-lance
Bothrops, genus Bothrops
member of(noun) snakes
Ophidia, Serpentes, suborder Ophidia, suborder Serpentes


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