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has gloss(noun) any of several breeds of usually large powerful dogs bred to work as draft animals and guard and guide dogs
working dog
has glosseng: |align="right" | |- | |} A working dog refers to a canine working animal, i.e. a type of dog that is not merely a pet but learns and performs tasks to assist and/or entertain its human companions, or a breed of such origin. In Australia and New Zealand a working dog is one which has been trained to work livestock, irrespective of its breeding.
lexicalizationeng: Working dogs
lexicalizationeng: working dog
subclass of(noun) a member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times; occurs in many breeds; "the dog barked all night"
domestic dog, Canis familiaris, dog
has subclass(noun) a dog trained to guard property
guard dog, watchdog
has subclass(noun) any of various usually long-haired breeds of dog reared to herd and guard sheep
sheepdog, shepherd dog, sheep dog
has subclass(noun) any dog trained to assist police especially in tracking
police dog
has subclass(noun) any of four Swiss breeds
has subclass(noun) a breed of stocky medium-sized short-haired dog with a brindled coat and square-jawed muzzle developed in Germany
has subclass(noun) an old breed of powerful deep-chested smooth-coated dog used chiefly as a watchdog and guard dog
has subclass(noun) large powerful breed developed by crossing the bulldog and the mastiff
bull mastiff
has subclass(noun) a sturdy thickset short-haired breed with a large head and strong undershot lower jaw; developed originally in England for bull baiting
English bulldog, bulldog
has subclass(noun) very large powerful smooth-coated breed of dog
Great Dane
has subclass(noun) a dog trained to guide the blind
guide dog
has subclass(noun) dog trained to assist the deaf by signaling the occurrence of certain sounds
hearing dog
has subclass(noun) a Swiss alpine breed of large powerful dog with a thick coat of hair used as a rescue dog
St Bernard, Saint Bernard
has subclass(noun) a dog that can alert or assist people with seizure disorders
seizure-alert dog
has subclass(noun) a dog trained to draw a sled usually in a team
sledge dog, sled dog
has subclass(noun) breed of heavy-coated Arctic sled dog
Eskimo dog, husky
Note: 38 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/de/Arbeitshund
has instancee/de/Europäischer Schlittenhund
has instancee/de/Fährtenarbeit
has instancee/de/Fährtenhund
has instancee/de/Hirtenhund
has instancee/de/Hofhund
has instancee/de/Hundeführer
has instancee/de/Königsberger Paukenhund
has instancee/de/Rattler
has instancee/de/Rettungshundeprüfung
has instancee/de/Rettungshundestaffel
has instancee/de/Schäferhund
has instancee/de/Schlittenhund
has instancee/de/Sprengstoffspürhund
has instancee/American Working Terrier Association
has instancee/Canine cancer detection
has instancee/Limer
has instancee/NEADS/Dogs for Deaf and Disabled Americans
has instancee/Schutzhund
has instancee/Shepard dog
has instancee/South African Sheepdog Association
has instancee/Treeing
has instancee/fi/Rauniokoira
has instancee/ja/競走犬
has instancee/ja/警備犬
has instancee/ja/麻薬探知犬
has instancee/no/Familiehund
has instancee/no/Likhund
has instancee/no/Livredningshund
has instancee/no/Matsøkshund
has instancee/no/Militær patruljehund
has instancee/no/Patruljehund
has instancee/no/Sporhund
has instancee/no/Tjenestehund
has instancee/no/Tolltjenestehund
has instancee/no/Våpensøkshund
has instancee/no/Vindsøkshund
has instancee/sv/Bandhund
has instancee/sv/Statens hundskola
has instancee/sv/Väktarhund
has glossces: Pracovní pes je pes, který není jen domácím mazlíčkem, ale vykonává úkoly, pomocí kterých asistuje člověku při vykonávání nějaké činnosti nebo v každodenním životě.
lexicalizationces: Pracovní pes
lexicalizationces: Pracovní psi
has glossdeu: Gebrauchshunde sind Hunde, die für ganz bestimmte Tätigkeiten eingesetzt (gebraucht) werden. Sie werden auch als Arbeitshunde bezeichnet. Der Begriff „Gebrauchshunde“ wird in unterschiedlichem Kontext im Hundewesen verwendet.
lexicalizationdeu: Gebrauchshund
lexicalizationdeu: Diensthund
lexicalizationdeu: Arbeitshund
has glossfin: Käyttökoira on termi, jolla tarkoitetaan koirarotua tai rotumuunnosta, joka on alun perin jalostettu tiettyihin työ- eli käyttötehtäviin. Käyttökoirasta kuulee usein puhuttavan koiraihmisten keskuudessa.
lexicalizationfin: käyttökoira
lexicalizationfin: Työkoirat
has glossfra: Un chien dutilité appelé aussi chien de travail, est un chien qui réalise des tâches, et a été élevé pour cela, pour assister ou aider lhomme. Ce nom est aussi donné à certaines races de chiens dont le but premier était dêtre des chiens dutilité.
lexicalizationfra: Chien d'utilité
has glossheb: כלב עבודה ושירות הוא כלב המשמש כחיית עבודה ולא רק כחיית מחמד. המונח כלבי עבודה ושירות משמש בשלושה מובנים עיקריים: * כלבים המבצעים מטלות מוגדרות המסייעות לבני אדם בעבודתם, יהא גזעם אשר יהא. כך למשל, כלבי מרעה המסייעים לאיסוף וללהולכת עדרי צאן ובקר. * כלבים המשתייכים לגזעים מוגדרים אשר מטופחים בזכות תכונותיו הייחודיות של הגזע המאפשרות ביצוע מטלות עבודה (לא כולל כלבי תצוגה). כך למשל, הגזע בורדר קולי בעל אינסטיקט רעייה חזק. * גזעי כלבים מוגדרים אשר יעודם המקורי היה ביצוע מטלות עבודה בשירות האדם, אולם אינם משמשים יותר למטלות אלה.
lexicalizationheb: כלב עבודה ושירות
lexicalizationjpn: 犬の用途
has glossnor: En brukshund er et begrep som benyttes om hunder som har fått trening i å utføre en eller flere nyttige oppgaver. Pr. definisjon blir da en brukshund en hund som brukes til noe praktisk. Således må man også regne inn hundekjøring når man snakker om brukshunder, selv om slike ekvipasjer ikke lenger kan sies å utføre noen nyttige tjenester.
lexicalizationnor: Brukshundtyper
lexicalizationnor: brukshund
lexicalizationrus: служебная собака
lexicalizationspa: Perro de trabajo
has glosssrp: Радни пас је пас, који најчешће није кућни љубимац, него је научен или истрениран да изводи разне задатке (иако је могуће и да кућни љубимци буду радни пси). Ови задаци су најчешће везани за помагање и/или забаву људима.
lexicalizationsrp: Радни пас
has glossswe: En brukshund är en arbetande hund som används för nyttoändamål. Brukshundarna kan delas in i tjänstehundar, servicehundar, jakthundar, vallhundar och draghundar.
lexicalizationswe: Brukshundar
lexicalizationswe: brukshund
has glosszho: 工作犬是指從事各項工作以協助其人類夥伴的狗。一般的工作犬是这样定义的,但以下數種情況亦使用這個名詞: *與展覽犬以外表特徵等育犬協會對犬種的描述做為育種依據的犬類做區分,指重視犬種原本發展的功能性所培育的犬隻,如邊境牧羊犬的犬展冠軍並不一定符合牧羊的需要,同理一隻牧羊犬大賽冠軍的邊境牧羊犬可能會因其不標準的外表淪為犬展被嘲笑的對象。
lexicalizationzho: 工作犬
similare/Working dog
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