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has gloss(noun) a thin crisp wafer made of flour and water with or without leavening and shortening; unsweetened or semisweet
has glosseng: A cracker is a thin and crispy piece of baked bread. Crackers can be eaten by themselves, but they can also be eaten with things on them called toppings. Common toppings include cheese, peanut butter, and sliced meats. Crackers are most often eaten as a snack, or crumbled into soup.
has glosseng: A cracker is a type of thin or flat baked good commonly made from unleavened grain flour dough and typically made in quantity in various hand-sized or smaller shapes. A precedent for the modern cracker can be found in nautical ship biscuits, military hardtack, and sacramental bread. Ancestors of the cracker can be found in ancient flat breads such as Lavash, Chapati, Pita, Matzo, and Flatbrød or Crisp bread.
lexicalizationeng: Cracker biscuit
lexicalizationeng: Crackers
lexicalizationeng: cracker
subclass of(noun) food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked
bread, staff of life, breadstuff
has subclass(noun) a cracker sprinkled with salt before baking
has subclass(noun) unsweetened cracker leavened slightly with soda and cream of tartar
soda cracker
has subclass(noun) a small dry usually round cracker
oyster cracker
has subclass(noun) a thin flour-and-water biscuit usually made without shortening; often served with cheese
water biscuit
has subclass(noun) semisweet whole-wheat cracker
graham cracker
has subclass(noun) glazed and salted cracker typically in the shape of a loose knot
has subclassc/Brand name crackers
has instancee/Animal cracker
has instancee/Cream cracker
has instancee/Crown Pilot Crackers
has instancee/McVitie's
has instancee/Olive no Hana
has instancee/Premium Plus
has instancee/Saltine cracker
has instancee/Senbei
has instancee/sv/Baddare
has instancee/sv/Ballerina (kex)
has instancee/sv/Brago
has instancee/sv/Cloetta Kexchoklad
has instancee/sv/Havreflarn
has instancee/sv/Jätten (kex)
has instancec/sv/Kexstubbar
has instancee/sv/Kextillverkare
has instancee/sv/Nalle Puh Kex
has instancee/sv/Rån (bakverk)
has instancee/sv/Singoalla (kex)
has instancee/sv/Smörgåsrån
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Mandarin Chinese
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has glossdeu: Cracker sind ein dünnes, knuspriges, sehr trockenes biskuitartiges Salzgebäck, das sich ursprünglich aus Schiffszwieback und Hartkeksen entwickelt hat.
lexicalizationdeu: Cracker
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Modern Greek (1453-)
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has glossfra: Les crackers ou craquelins (Québec) sont une variété de biscuits secs anglais.
lexicalizationfra: cracker
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has glossheb: קרקר (בעברית קרוי גם מצייה, אם כי שם זה משמש גם למצבריי - מאכל הנאכל בפסח), הוא ביסקוויט מלוח, דק, יבש ופריך שפותח מביסקוויטים שהיו נהוגים כמזון למסעות ימיים - זולים ובעלי חיי מדף ארוכים.
lexicalizationheb: קרקר
has glosshrv: Kreker je vrsta prehrambenog proizvoda, srodnog keksu.
lexicalizationhrv: Kreker
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has glossita: Un cracker è un biscotto asciutto, sottile, croccante e saporito che si è sviluppato dalla galletta militare e propria dell'alimentazione degli antichi marinai.
lexicalizationita: cracker
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has glossjpn: 概要 クラッカー (cracker) は、ビスケットの一種。
lexicalizationjpn: クラッカー
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has glossnld: Een cracker is een soort biscuit die is ontstaan als vorm van scheepsbeschuit.
lexicalizationnld: cracker
has glosspor: O cream cracker é um tipo de biscoito salgado plano que se desenvolveu para servir de hard tack e provisão militar. Costumam ser servidos como petiscos; com queijo, patê ou mousse.
lexicalizationpor: cream cracker
has glossrus: Крекер (англ. cracker) — сухое печенье, приготовляемое из пшеничной муки и жира, на дрожжах. Крекер обычно имеет пузырчатую поверхность и пористую хрупкую структуру. В крекеры, помимо муки, жира и дрожжей, в зависимости от сорта добавляются химические рыхлители, молоко, меланж, сахар, тмин и другие продукты.
lexicalizationrus: Крекер
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has glossspa: Un cracker es un tipo de galleta salada plana que se desarrolló para servir de galleta náutica y provisión militar. Suelen servirse untados con queso, paté o mousse, o como base de aperitivos más elaborados.
lexicalizationspa: Crackers
lexicalizationspa: cracker
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has glossswe: Kex ( eller ) är ett mellanting mellan bröd och kaka. Det rör sig oftast om små tunna skivor men ibland kan de vara dubbla, med fyllning mellan. Kex finns med en stor mängd olika smaker. Vissa typer av kex är mer avsedda som ett alternativ till smörgås och äts till exempel till soppa. Exempel på detta är kex som går under benämningarna Digestive, Tuc och Ritz. Andra typer av kex är mer som alternativ till kakor och äts gärna till kaffe, saft eller läsk. Exempel på detta är kex som går under benämningen Tim Tam, Mariekex, Brago, Albertkex eller Ballerina.
lexicalizationswe: Kex
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Northern Tiwa
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has glossukr: Крекер — сухе печиво, що готує із пшеничного борошна й жиру, на дріжджах. Крекер зазвичай має пухирчасту поверхню й пористу тендітну структуру. У крекери, крім борошна, жиру й дріжджів, в залежності від сорту додаються хімічні розпухувачі, молоко, меланж, цукор, кмин й інші продукти.
lexicalizationukr: Крекер
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Yue Chinese
has glossyue: 克力架係隻乾薄脆嘅餅乾,上面有好多窿窿。個名來自英文名Cracker。梳打餅原係行軍行船食嘅餅,後尾變成零食。克力架有好多隻,其中一隻就係梳打餅。
lexicalizationyue: 克力架
has glosszho: 梳打餅(Cracker,音譯克力架),又稱為蘇打餅,是餅乾的一種,通常以鹹味為主,間中會以芝士或香料作為配料。梳打餅通常作為小吃,有時則配以湯食用。
lexicalizationzho: 梳打餅
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media:imgArmy and Navy hard tack.jpg
media:imgCrackers with herring and garlic sauce.jpg
media:imgDSCF3525 cheezit macro sm.jpg
media:imgSaltine crackers.jpg


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