This page describes the entity referred to by the URI A machine-readable RDF version of this description is provided here.
rdf:type | lvont:Language |
rdfs:comment | Garifuna is an Arawakan language spoken in Honduras, Guatemala, and Belize by the Garifuna people. The language is also spoken to a lesser extent in Nicaragua's Mosquito Coast. Historically it was referred to as Carib or Black Carib and Igñeri by Europeans. Garifuna has a vocabulary split between terms used only by men and terms used only by women. This does not however affect the entire vocabulary but when it does, the terms used by men generally come from Carib and those used by women come from Arawak. It was declared a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2009 along with Garifuna music and dance. ('en' language string) |
rdfs:label | Garifuna ('de' language string) |
rdfs:label | Garifuna language ('en' language string) |
rdfs:label | Garifuna ('en' language string) |
rdfs:label | Garifunan kieli ('fi' language string) |
rdfs:label | Lingua garifuna ('it' language string) |
rdfs:label | 가리푸나어 ('ko' language string) |
rdfs:label | Garifūnų kalba ('lt' language string) |
rdfs:label | Garifuna ('nl' language string) |
rdfs:label | Garifuna ('no' language string) |
rdfs:label | Lenga garifuna ('pms' language string) |
rdfs:label | Język garifuna ('pl' language string) |
rdfs:label | Língua garífuna ('pt' language string) |
rdfs:label | Garifuna simi ('qu' language string) |
rdfs:label | Гарифуна ('ru' language string) |
rdfs:label | Garifuna ('sk' language string) |
rdfs:label | Idioma garífuna ('es' language string) |
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:seeAlso | |
rdfs:seeAlso | |
owl:sameAs | |
owl:sameAs | |
lvont:broader | |
lvont:broader | lexvo:iso639-3/que |
lvont:broader | |
lvont:iso639P3PCode | cab (string) |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/deu/Garifuna |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/eng/Garifuna%20language |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/eng/Garifuna |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/fin/Garifunan%20kieli |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ita/Lingua%20garifuna |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kor/%EA%B0%80%EB%A6%AC%ED%91%B8%EB%82%98%EC%96%B4 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/lit/Garif%C5%ABn%C5%B3%20kalba |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nld/Garifuna |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nor/Garifuna |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/pms/Lenga%20garifuna |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/pol/J%C4%99zyk%20garifuna |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/por/L%C3%ADngua%20gar%C3%ADfuna |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/que/Garifuna%20simi |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/rus/%D0%93%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%84%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/slk/Garifuna |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/spa/Idioma%20gar%C3%ADfuna |
lvont:nearlySameAs | |
lvont:usedIn | geo:15.67,-88.0 |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/BZ |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/GT |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/HN |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/NI |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/US |
skos:prefLabel | Garifuna ('en' language string) | 2008-2024 Gerard de Melo. Contact Data Sources Legal Information / Imprint