rdf:type | lvont:Language |
rdfs:comment | Hausa (Yaren Hausa – language of the Hausa [people]) is the Chadic language with the largest number of speakers, spoken as a first language by about 25 million people, and as a second language by about 18 million more, an approximate total of 43 million people. Hausa is one of Africa's largest spoken languages after Arabic, French, English, Portuguese and Swahili. ('en' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('af' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kɨtsɔŋkaŋ ('agq' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('ak' language string) |
rdfs:label | ሃውሳኛ ('am' language string) |
rdfs:label | الهوسا ('ar' language string) |
rdfs:label | لغة هوسية ('ar' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihautha ('asa' language string) |
rdfs:label | ḥausa ('ast' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa dili ('az' language string) |
rdfs:label | awusakan ('bm' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hɔp u ɓausa ('bas' language string) |
rdfs:label | Ichi Hausa ('bem' language string) |
rdfs:label | হাউসা ভাষা ('bn' language string) |
rdfs:label | হাউসা ('bn' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hihausa ('bez' language string) |
rdfs:label | хауса ('bs-Cyrl' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('bs' language string) |
rdfs:label | Haousaeg ('br' language string) |
rdfs:label | haousa ('br' language string) |
rdfs:label | हउसा ('brx' language string) |
rdfs:label | хауза ('bg' language string) |
rdfs:label | ሃውሳኛ ('byn' language string) |
rdfs:label | Haussa ('ca' language string) |
rdfs:label | haussa ('ca' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hauština ('cs' language string) |
rdfs:label | hauština ('cs' language string) |
rdfs:label | Oruhausa ('cgg' language string) |
rdfs:label | 豪撒文 ('cmn-Hant' language, 'Hant' script string) |
rdfs:label | 豪萨文 ('cmn' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('cy' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hawsa ('cy' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('da' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('dav' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('de' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hawsance senni ('dje' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('dyo' language string) |
rdfs:label | ཧཝ་ས་ཁ ('dz' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kĩhausa ('ebu' language string) |
rdfs:label | Χάουσα γλώσσα ('el' language string) |
rdfs:label | Χάουσα ('el' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa language ('en' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('en' language string) |
rdfs:label | Haŭsa lingvo ('eo' language string) |
rdfs:label | haŭsa ('eo' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('et' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('eu' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('eu' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausagbe ('ee' language string) |
rdfs:label | Ǹkɔ́bɔ aúsá ('ewo' language string) |
rdfs:label | haussa ('fo' language string) |
rdfs:label | هوسیایی ('fa' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('fil' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausan kieli ('fi' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('fi' language string) |
rdfs:label | Haoussa ('fr' language string) |
rdfs:label | haoussa ('fr' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hawsaŋkoore ('ff' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hásais ('ga' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('gl' language string) |
rdfs:label | Haussa ('gsw' language string) |
rdfs:label | હૌસા ('gu' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('guz' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('ha' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa jezik ('sh' language string) |
rdfs:label | האוסה ('he' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa bhasa ('hif' language string) |
rdfs:label | होउसा ('hi' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa jezik ('hr' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('hr' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausza ('hu' language string) |
rdfs:label | Awụsa ('ig' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa linguo ('io' language string) |
rdfs:label | Bahasa Hausa ('id' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('id' language string) |
rdfs:label | Haúsa ('is' language string) |
rdfs:label | hása ('is' language string) |
rdfs:label | Lingua hausa ('it' language string) |
rdfs:label | haussa ('it' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kyihausa ('jmc' language string) |
rdfs:label | ハウサ語 ('ja' language string) |
rdfs:label | Tahwasit ('kab' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('kam' language string) |
rdfs:label | ಹೌಸಾ ('kn' language string) |
rdfs:label | ہاوسا ('ks' language string) |
rdfs:label | ჰაუსა ('ka' language string) |
rdfs:label | Хауса ('kk' language string) |
rdfs:label | Chihausa ('kde' language string) |
rdfs:label | auza ('kea' language string) |
rdfs:label | ហូសា ('km' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hawsance senni ('khq' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('ki' language string) |
rdfs:label | Igihawusa ('rw' language string) |
rdfs:label | kutitab Hausa ('kln' language string) |
rdfs:label | हौसा ('knn' language string) |
rdfs:label | 하우사어 ('ko' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('ksb' language string) |
rdfs:label | rikaksa ('ksf' language string) |
rdfs:label | Haußa ('ksh' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kɨhaúusa ('lag' language string) |
rdfs:label | ຮູຊາ ('lo' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausu ('lv' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('ln' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausų kalba ('lt' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausų ('lt' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('lu' language string) |
rdfs:label | Luhawuza ('lg' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('luo' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('luy' language string) |
rdfs:label | ഹൗസ ('ml' language string) |
rdfs:label | हौसा ('mr' language string) |
rdfs:label | nkʉtʉ́k ɔ́ɔ̄ hausa ('mas' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kĩhausa ('mer' language string) |
rdfs:label | haoussa ('mfe' language string) |
rdfs:label | Ihausa ('mgh' language string) |
rdfs:label | хауза ('mk' language string) |
rdfs:label | haoussa ('mg' language string) |
rdfs:label | Ħawsa ('mt' language string) |
rdfs:label | haussa ('mua' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausagowab ('naq' language string) |
rdfs:label | isi-Hausa ('nd' language string) |
rdfs:label | हाउसा ('ne' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('nl' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kiɛl máwúsá ('nmg' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('nn' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('nn' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('nb' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('no' language string) |
rdfs:label | Thok ɣowthani ('nus' language string) |
rdfs:label | Oruhausa ('nyn' language string) |
rdfs:label | ହୌସା ('or' language string) |
rdfs:label | Lenga Hausa ('pms' language string) |
rdfs:label | Język hausa ('pl' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('pl' language string) |
rdfs:label | Língua haúça ('pt' language string) |
rdfs:label | haúça ('pt' language string) |
rdfs:label | hauçá ('pt' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hawsa simi ('qu' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('rof' language string) |
rdfs:label | haussa ('rm' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('ro' language string) |
rdfs:label | Igihawusa ('rn' language string) |
rdfs:label | Хауса ('ru' language string) |
rdfs:label | хауса ('ru' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kyihausa ('rwk' language string) |
rdfs:label | Haüsä ('sg' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('saq' language string) |
rdfs:label | Ishihawusa ('sbp' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('seh' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hawsance senni ('ses' language string) |
rdfs:label | tahawsat ('shi-Latn' language, 'Latn' script string) |
rdfs:label | ⵜⴰⵀⴰⵡⵙⴰⵜ ('shi' language string) |
rdfs:label | හෝසා ('si' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hauština ('sk' language string) |
rdfs:label | hauština ('sk' language string) |
rdfs:label | havščina ('sl' language string) |
rdfs:label | haussagiella ('se' language string) |
rdfs:label | chiHausa ('sn' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hawsa ('so' language string) |
rdfs:label | Idioma hausa ('es' language string) |
rdfs:label | hausa ('es' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('sr-Latn' language string) |
rdfs:label | Хауса ('sr' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('sw' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('swc' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('sv' language string) |
rdfs:label | haussa ('sv' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('swh' language string) |
rdfs:label | ஹவுசா மொழி ('ta' language string) |
rdfs:label | ஹௌஸா ('ta' language string) |
rdfs:label | హౌసా ('te' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kihausa ('teo' language string) |
rdfs:label | Забони хауса ('tg' language string) |
rdfs:label | เฮาชา ('th' language string) |
rdfs:label | ሃውሳኛ ('tig' language string) |
rdfs:label | lea hausa ('to' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('tr' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hawsance senni ('twq' language string) |
rdfs:label | Tahawsat ('tzm' language string) |
rdfs:label | Хауса ('uk' language string) |
rdfs:label | хауса ('uk' language string) |
rdfs:label | ھاوسا ('ur' language string) |
rdfs:label | ہؤسا ('ur' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hawusa ('vai-Latn' language, 'Latn' script string) |
rdfs:label | ꕌꖙꕢ ('vai' language string) |
rdfs:label | Tiếng Hausa ('vi' language string) |
rdfs:label | Kyihausa ('vun' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('wae' language string) |
rdfs:label | 豪萨语 ('wuu' language string) |
rdfs:label | Oluhawuza ('xog' language string) |
rdfs:label | pakas ('yav' language string) |
rdfs:label | Èdè Haúsá ('yo' language string) |
rdfs:label | Èdè Hausa ('yo' language string) |
rdfs:label | 豪萨语 ('zh' language string) |
rdfs:label | Hausa ('zsm' language string) |
rdfs:label | isi-Hausa ('zu' language string) |
rdfs:seeAlso | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausa_language |
rdfs:seeAlso | http://wals.info/languoid/lect/wals_code_hau |
rdfs:seeAlso | http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=hau |
rdfs:seeAlso | http://www.llmap.org/languages/hau.html |
owl:sameAs | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hausa_language |
owl:sameAs | http://downlode.org/rdf/iso-639/languages#ha |
owl:sameAs | lexvo:iso639-1/ha |
owl:sameAs | lexvo:wordnet/30/noun/Hausa_1_10_00 |
owl:sameAs | http://psi.oasis-open.org/iso/639/#hau |
owl:sameAs | http://www.lingvoj.org/lang/ha |
owl:sameAs | http://www.mpii.de/yago/resource/Hausa_language |
owl:sameAs | info:lc/vocabulary/languages/hau |
lvont:broader | http://dbpedia.org/resource/Hausa%E2%80%93Gwandara_languages |
lvont:broader | lexvo:iso639-5/cdc |
lvont:broader | http://www.mpii.de/yago/resource/Hausa%E2%80%93Gwandara_languages |
lvont:hasMember | lexvo:term/hau/%C6%99amus |
lvont:hasMember | lexvo:term/hau/%C6%B4 |
lvont:hasMember | lexvo:term/hau/%C9%93 |
lvont:hasMember | lexvo:term/hau/%D8%AA |
lvont:hasMember | lexvo:term/hau/giwa |
lvont:hasMember | lexvo:term/hau/ku%C9%97i |
lvont:hasMember | lexvo:term/hau/sannu |
lvont:hasMember | lexvo:term/hau/talaka |
lvont:hasMember | lexvo:term/hau/yadda |
lvont:hasMember | lexvo:term/hau/zaitun |
lvont:isFocusOf | http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/hau |
lvont:iso6392BCode | hau (string) |
lvont:iso6392TCode | hau (string) |
lvont:iso639P1Code | ha (string) |
lvont:iso639P3PCode | hau (string) |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/afr/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/agq/K%C9%A8ts%C9%94%C5%8Bka%C5%8B |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/aka/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/amh/%E1%88%83%E1%8B%8D%E1%88%B3%E1%8A%9B |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ara/%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%87%D9%88%D8%B3%D8%A7 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ara/%D9%84%D8%BA%D8%A9%20%D9%87%D9%88%D8%B3%D9%8A%D8%A9 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/asa/Kihautha |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ast/%E1%B8%A5ausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/aze/Hausa%20dili |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/bam/awusakan |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/bas/H%C9%94p%20u%20%C9%93ausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/bem/Ichi%20Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ben/%E0%A6%B9%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%89%E0%A6%B8%E0%A6%BE%20%E0%A6%AD%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%B7%E0%A6%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ben/%E0%A6%B9%E0%A6%BE%E0%A6%89%E0%A6%B8%E0%A6%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/bez/Hihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/bos-Cyrl/%D1%85%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/bos/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/bre/Haousaeg |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/bre/haousa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/brx/%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%89%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/bul/%D1%85%D0%B0%D1%83%D0%B7%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/byn/%E1%88%83%E1%8B%8D%E1%88%B3%E1%8A%9B |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/cat/Haussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/cat/haussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ces/Hau%C5%A1tina |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ces/hau%C5%A1tina |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/cgg/Oruhausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/cmn-Hant/%E8%B1%AA%E6%92%92%E6%96%87 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/cmn/%E8%B1%AA%E8%90%A8%E6%96%87 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/cym/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/cym/Hawsa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/dan/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/dav/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/deu/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/dje/Hawsance%20senni |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/dyo/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/dzo/%E0%BD%A7%E0%BD%9D%E0%BC%8B%E0%BD%A6%E0%BC%8B%E0%BD%81 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ebu/K%C4%A9hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ell/%CE%A7%CE%AC%CE%BF%CF%85%CF%83%CE%B1%20%CE%B3%CE%BB%CF%8E%CF%83%CF%83%CE%B1 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ell/%CE%A7%CE%AC%CE%BF%CF%85%CF%83%CE%B1 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/eng/Hausa%20language |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/eng/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/epo/Ha%C5%ADsa%20lingvo |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/epo/ha%C5%ADsa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/est/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/eus/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/eus/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ewe/hausagbe |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ewo/%C7%B8k%C9%94%CC%81b%C9%94%20a%C3%BAs%C3%A1 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/fao/haussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/fas/%D9%87%D9%88%D8%B3%DB%8C%D8%A7%DB%8C%DB%8C |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/fil/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/fin/Hausan%20kieli |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/fin/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/fra/Haoussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/fra/haoussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ful/Hawsa%C5%8Bkoore |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/gle/H%C3%A1sais |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/glg/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/gsw/Haussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/guj/%E0%AA%B9%E0%AB%8C%E0%AA%B8%E0%AA%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/guz/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/hau/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/hbs/Hausa%20jezik |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/heb/%D7%94%D7%90%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%94 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/hif/Hausa%20bhasa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/hin/%E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%8B%E0%A4%89%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/hrv/Hausa%20jezik |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/hrv/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/hun/hausza |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ibo/Aw%E1%BB%A5sa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ido/Hausa%20linguo |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ind/Bahasa%20Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ind/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/isl/Ha%C3%BAsa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/isl/h%C3%A1sa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ita/Lingua%20hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ita/haussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/jmc/Kyihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/jpn/%E3%83%8F%E3%82%A6%E3%82%B5%E8%AA%9E |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kab/Tahwasit |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kam/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kan/%E0%B2%B9%E0%B3%8C%E0%B2%B8%E0%B2%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kas/%DB%81%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B3%D8%A7 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kat/%E1%83%B0%E1%83%90%E1%83%A3%E1%83%A1%E1%83%90 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kaz/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kde/Chihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kea/auza |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/khm/%E1%9E%A0%E1%9E%BC%E1%9E%9F%E1%9E%B6 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/khq/Hawsance%20senni |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kik/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kin/Igihawusa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kln/kutitab%20Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/knn/%E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%8C%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/kor/%ED%95%98%EC%9A%B0%EC%82%AC%EC%96%B4 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ksb/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ksf/rikaksa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ksh/Hau%C3%9Fa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/lag/K%C9%A8ha%C3%BAusa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/lao/%E0%BA%AE%E0%BA%B9%E0%BA%8A%E0%BA%B2 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/lav/hausu |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/lin/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/lit/Haus%C5%B3%20kalba |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/lit/haus%C5%B3 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/lub/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/lug/Luhawuza |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/luo/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/luy/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/mal/%E0%B4%B9%E0%B5%97%E0%B4%B8 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/mar/%E0%A4%B9%E0%A5%8C%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/mas/nk%CA%89t%CA%89%CC%81k%20%C9%94%CC%81%C9%94%CC%84%20hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/mer/K%C4%A9hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/mfe/haoussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/mgh/Ihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/mkd/%D1%85%D0%B0%D1%83%D0%B7%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/mlg/haoussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/mlt/%C4%A6awsa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/mua/haussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/naq/Hausagowab |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nde/isi-Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nep/%E0%A4%B9%E0%A4%BE%E0%A4%89%E0%A4%B8%E0%A4%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nld/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nmg/Ki%C9%9Bl%20m%C3%A1w%C3%BAs%C3%A1 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nno/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nno/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nob/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nor/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nus/Thok%20%C9%A3owthani |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/nyn/Oruhausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ori/%E0%AC%B9%E0%AD%8C%E0%AC%B8%E0%AC%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/pms/Lenga%20Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/pol/J%C4%99zyk%20hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/pol/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/por/L%C3%ADngua%20ha%C3%BA%C3%A7a |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/por/ha%C3%BA%C3%A7a |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/por/hau%C3%A7%C3%A1 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/que/Hawsa%20simi |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/rof/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/roh/haussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ron/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/run/Igihawusa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/rus/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/rus/%D1%85%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/rwk/Kyihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/sag/Ha%C3%BCs%C3%A4 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/saq/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/sbp/Ishihawusa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/seh/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ses/Hawsance%20senni |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/shi-Latn/tahawsat |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/shi/%E2%B5%9C%E2%B4%B0%E2%B5%80%E2%B4%B0%E2%B5%A1%E2%B5%99%E2%B4%B0%E2%B5%9C |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/sin/%E0%B7%84%E0%B7%9D%E0%B7%83%E0%B7%8F |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/slk/Hau%C5%A1tina |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/slk/hau%C5%A1tina |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/slv/hav%C5%A1%C4%8Dina |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/sme/haussagiella |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/sna/chiHausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/som/Hawsa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/spa/Idioma%20hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/spa/hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/srp-Latn/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/srp/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/swa/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/swc/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/swe/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/swe/haussa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/swh/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/tam/%E0%AE%B9%E0%AE%B5%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%BE%20%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%8A%E0%AE%B4%E0%AE%BF |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/tam/%E0%AE%B9%E0%AF%8C%E0%AE%B8%E0%AE%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/tel/%E0%B0%B9%E0%B1%8C%E0%B0%B8%E0%B0%BE |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/teo/Kihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/tgk/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B8%20%D1%85%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/tha/%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%AE%E0%B8%B2%E0%B8%8A%E0%B8%B2 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/tig/%E1%88%83%E1%8B%8D%E1%88%B3%E1%8A%9B |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ton/lea%20hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/tur/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/twq/Hawsance%20senni |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/tzm/Tahawsat |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ukr/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/ukr/%D1%85%D0%B0%D1%83%D1%81%D0%B0 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/urd/%DA%BE%D8%A7%D9%88%D8%B3%D8%A7 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/urd/%DB%81%D8%A4%D8%B3%D8%A7 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/vai-Latn/Hawusa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/vai/%EA%95%8C%EA%96%99%EA%95%A2 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/vie/Ti%E1%BA%BFng%20Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/vun/Kyihausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/wae/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/wuu/%E8%B1%AA%E8%90%A8%E8%AF%AD |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/xog/Oluhawuza |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/yav/pakas |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/yor/%C3%88d%C3%A8%20Ha%C3%BAs%C3%A1 |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/yor/%C3%88d%C3%A8%20Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/zho/%E8%B1%AA%E8%90%A8%E8%AF%AD |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/zsm/Hausa |
lvont:label | lexvo:term/zul/isi-Hausa |
lvont:marcCode | hau (string) |
lvont:nearlySameAs | http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/hau |
lvont:nearlySameAs | http://www.glottolog.org/resource/languoid/id/haus1257 |
lvont:usedIn | geo:12.0,18.0 |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/BF |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/BJ |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/CF |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/CG |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/CM |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/DE |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/ER |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/GH |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/NE |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/NG |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/SD |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/TD |
lvont:usedIn | lexvo:iso3166/TG |
lvont:usesScript | lexvo:script/Arab |
lvont:usesScript | lexvo:script/Latn |
skos:prefLabel | Hausa ('en' language string) |